Blue vs. Red part 1

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Open to several shots of the Desert Gulch as the old Trocadero theme plays. Camera focuses on the Blue base as gunfire is heard. Cut Gene running up to Surge inside the base,

Gene: Sir! They're making another push!

Surge: So?! Shoot back! Victory is close at hand! Their flag must be around here somewhere.

Gene: But, sir we're completely-

Surge: "But" nothin'! A soldier follows orders no matter what! Just do what I tell you, son.

Gene: Yes, sir!

Cut to Gene join Cronut and Alan atop the base under heavy fire.

Gene: Return fire, Cronut.

Cronut: With what? We're out of ammo. I'm shootin' blanks over here.

Alan: How the fuck are we out of amo?

Gene: In that case, we're gonna have to resort to plan B...

The three stand up and start yelling at the Blues.

Gene: YOU SUCK! You're... bad at math!

Cronut: You have table manners that leave much to be desired!

Alan: Your all bitches.

Gene: You smell like maybe you forgot to wear deodorant today!

Cronut: Your mother's lasagna is, mediocre!

Zoom out to the Blues watching.

Bucky: They're attempting to insult us, sir.

Temple: Yeah, I fuckin' noticed. This oughta shut them up.

Temple fires a sniper shot right between the three reds, who then take cover.

Bucky: Ooh! My turn! Let me try!

Temple: Not happening, dude.

Bucky: Oh, come on! How come you always get the sniper rifle?

Temple: Because you're busy getting the prisoner. Also because go fuck yourself.

Phill: Who cares about the sniper rifle.

Cut to Lorenzo's head as stereotypical Italian music plays.

Gene: Mama mia! They got Lorenzo!

Lorenzo: . [This is not my perfect Sunday.]

Temple: That's right! We got your fuckin' robot! Now give us back our base or we smash the Goomba!

Gene: Whoa-ho, dude! That is super racist!

Alex: I know right.

Temple: No it isn't!

Callie: Ot kind of is.

Ana: Why do you have to say things like that?

Bucky: It's... pretty racist, dude.

Phill: Ya it is.

Temple: No, a Goomba! Like, in Mario!

Lorenzo: [It's still racist.]

Temple: Whatever! Everyone, shut up or we're all gonna find out what kind of filling is inside this canoli!

Bucky: Ugh... Not better.

Phill: That's worse.

Gene: Oh no, what're we gonna do?! Ideas! Anybody?

Unknown: (off screen) Oooh... I've got one.

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora