The Mother Of Destruction

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The episode opens up on an overhead view of a snowy tundra.

Dylan: (offscreen) What's that? Y—you're breaking up!

The camera then cuts to a shot of DYLAN walking through the area. She is talking to CARLOS over the radio.

Carlos: Don't you try that bad signal crap with me, Andrews! I spent a fortune on this slipstream so you could hear me loud and clear! Show's over: time to come home.

Dylan: I'm onto something: something big.

Carlos: You're not onto something: you're on something. AI Fragments? Time travel? A talking bomb?!

Dylan: There's something else. I've been digging around the remains of Project Freelancer, and I—

Carlos: And how in God's name did you manage that?!

Dylan: Well, I've been doing it—

The camera cuts to show that DYLAN is looking at the wreck of the Mother of Invention, revealing she is on Sidewinder.

Dylan: —literally. And I pieced together a complete record of their personnel files. I got real names for all the super soldiers!


Carlos: Okay, how many have you interviewed?

Dylan: None. Get this: I checked the names against the UNSC crime database, and every single former agent is either dead or missing. Most of the disappearances happened after the Reds and Blues started their crime spree! They have to be related!

Carlos: It ain't enough! It's actually nothing! You've been gone for weeks! Show me something that the people can look at with their eyeballs!

Dylan: You'll have visuals when I finish tracking down the Reds and Blues!

Carlos: OH, nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nooo, Dylan! I'm putting an end to this nonsense right now. You get back to the office pronto, or you're out of a job. Period. Kapisch? End of story.

DYLAN meets up with JAX inside the Mother of Invention, next to a computer console.

Jax: Oh, hey! How's Uncle Carlos? He seemed kinda peeved...

Dylan: Yeah, he's peeved. Next time he calls you please, just, let it go to voicemail. Don't transfer to me. Okay?

Jax: Eh, I hate to kill my babies, but, okay.

DYLAN does a double-take.

Dylan: What?

Jax: My voicemail box is at capacity with all my spec scripts. I'll have to delete some to make room, but, I get it: filmmaking is all about killing your babies.

Dylan: Stop saying that. The expression is that "you have to kill your darlings," not your babies.

Jax: Oh, I mean I have to delete all my ideas about babies. My horror spec, Rabies Babies; my time travel comedy, Three Men and a Baby Hitler; my Look Who's Talkingreboot about Helen Kel—

Dylan: Enough! Goddammit, Jax! I can't even hear myself think in this blizzard of idioacy! Go take a hike!

Jax: But I just wanna help!

Dylan: You wanna help? Here's how you can help: I need you to climb up that really tall mountain. Right now. All the way up to the tippy-top, which is coincidentally really far from me.

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now