Chapter 20: Who's Laughing Now (Final)

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A/N- So this is the end. More people voted on sparing Sammy. I was gonna wait for more votes but uhh...

 I was gonna wait for more votes but uhh

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Okay, let's begin.


(Y/N)'s POV

I turned to the crowd.

(Y/N): Everyone... I'm--

Sammy started strangling me with his handcuffs and walking backwards towards the well.

Sammy: Not this way!

We reached the well. He was about to throw me down. The others were about to stop him but he threatened them.

Sammy: Come closer and your little sheep going down the well!

They stopped.

Scarlet: Let him go!

Mero: It doesn't have to end this way...

Sammy: Here's what's gonna happen. You'll clear all of my charges and let me go. Then--

I headbutted him. He let go of me and i grabbed him. I held him above the well and punched him in the face.

Sammy: Ugh! Aaahhh... There you are... I hope you all... remember this moment... Think of me... when you try to sleep.

Scarlet: Finish it, (Y/N).

Mero: Please, we can still--

Kimihito: End it, already!

Sammy looked me in the eyes. 

Sammy: You're going to miss me...

I leaned closer to his face.

(Y/N): No. I won't.

I threw him on the ground and looked at Mero.

(Y/N): You said you had a way to keep him from hurting people.

Blair: Wait, you can't be serious?

Scarlet: After what he's done, you're just gonna put him in prison?

Alice: This isn't the way, (Y/N).

Cerea: You're doing the right thing.

Mero: Yes. There's a way.

(Y/N): Alright. Do it.

Mero: My mother knows how. I have to contact her.

(Y/N): Whatever you need.

Smith: Until then we'll keep him locked up.

Timeskip 1 week 

In that one week a lot changed. The people who were on Sammy's trial saw that i showed mercy. They told some people and they told even more people. Humans started accepting not only me but all of the monsters. The Cerea, Mero, Rachnera, Alice, Scarlet,Blair and Claire confessed their love to me. I knew it but waited for them to say it. Today i'm holding a barbeque with all of my friends. I was bringing the mirror outside. 

Mirror: Where have you been, master?

(Y/N): Just taking care of a few things. How've you been?

Mirror: The usual. Awaiting for your arival.

I placed it on the ground.

(Y/N): Have a chat with the others.

Miia: (Y/N)! 

I turned around.

(Y/N): What is it?

Miia: Our mothers have arrived!

(Y/N): Is Mero here? I want to know what happened with Sammy.

Miia: Yeah she's right there.

She pointed at Mero and her mother. I went to them and bowed. 

(Y/N): Queen.

Queen Lorelei: None of this! You don't have to bow to me.

I stood up. Mero turned to me. She was holding a cage with a crow inside. I looked at the cage. 

(Y/N): Not what I was expecting... Morning, Sammy.

Mero: He's got a sharp tongue. I thought it would be better for everyone if he parted with it.

(Y/N): Thanks, Mero.

Mero: Don't mention it, beloved.

KImihito: (Y/N)!

I turned back.

(Y/N): I guess i'm needed elsewhere. 

Mero: Not a problem. I'll see you later.

I nodded and ran to Kimihito.

(Y/N): What is it, master?

Kimihito: I forgot to bring ice. Can you bring some?

(Y/N): Sure!

I headed inside. Scarlet blocked my way. Her tail was waggling like crazy.

Scarlet: Hey, handsome~ Wa'cha up to~? 

(Y/N): Getting some ice for master.

She got closer to my face.

Scarlet: Hmm~ 

She licked my nose.

Scarlet: I'd like something else to cool me off~

I chuckled.

(Y/N): Maybe later, ok?

Scarlet: I'll be waiting~

She went towards the others. I grabbed the ice from the freezer and went outside again.

(Y/N)'s mind: I'm glad i spared Sammy. People are not afraid of me or the others anymore. They love us, monster and all. Just like i knew they would.

Blair: (Y/N)! We're having a group photo!

(Y/N): Coming!

I went to take a photo with all of them. I crouched down and made a peace sign.

(Y/N)'s mind: Turns out i wasn't brought to life with the intent to be a bad guy. Because if my friends like me...

Alice: Say cheese!

(Y/N)'s mind: ...How bad can i be?

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