Chapter 11: Beware The Ink Demon

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We went inside Miia's room. I was two seconds away from jumping on that pervert.

Miia: So this is my room.

Kasegi: I see. So, do you wear underwear, Miia-san?

Miia: That's the first thing you ask me?!

Kasegi: Well, will you show them to us?

Miia: As if! You dumb skeeve!

She tried to cover the camera with her hand. Kasegi zoomed in on a bag behind her.

Kasegi: What's this? What's in that bag?

Miia: Ah-!

Kimihito: Aren't those your skin castings from a few days back?

Kasegi: Skin castings?!

Kimihito: Why do you still have them?

Miia: W-Well... Normally i just throw out the castings, but the crows started picking at them and that makes me feel weird, so...

Kasegi: How could you throw them away?!

Miia: Eh?

Kasegi: This is a rare treasure that collectors would salivate over! Snakeskins have been treasured in Japan since ancient times! You can find shrines devoted to snakes all over the place! In China, they use it as medicine! So will you give it to me?! It would make lots of people very happy!

Miia: Ugh! Gross! No way! Anyone who gets that excited over my skin...Is the worst kind of pervert!

Alice: I mean, it's her skin after all.

Kasegi: How about if i only turn it over to research facilities? they might be able to discover something using this skin! That way, we may gain a deeper mutual understanding of our species! Not only that, but you'd be a hero, and you could get married to a human male...

Miia: W-Well, i suppose if it'll help that many people...and improve relations...

I heard Kasegi talking under his breath.

Kasegi: *Under his breath* Damn. It's a damn shame...I wish we had video of you actually shedding -- It'd be worth a lot more...

(Y/N)'s mind: Alright, that's it!

I was about to grab him, but Papi stopped me. I turned to her.

(Y/N): What is it, Papi?

Papi: Err... I feel the egg coming... I think...

Everyone was shocked.

(Y/N): Oh my god! Okay it's happening! Everybody stay calm!

Kimihito: Bring her to the bed!

We placed her down. She was breathing heavily.

Miia: That's right! Use lamaze breathing! 1-2-3! Shallow breaths out on the count of one and two, then exhale deeply on the count of three!

Mero: When does she breathe in?

Small timeskip brought to you by Chibi everyone (except Papi) running around in panic

Miia: You're going to film her laying her egg?!

Kasegi: Of course! That's why i came!

He pushed Everyone except Kimihito, Suu and me out of the room. He tried to get rid of me as well, but got scared in the process.

MIia: Hey! Why can't we come in?!

Kasegi: Quiet please!

He turned the camera to Papi.

Send in The Ink Demon  (Bendy male reader X Monster Musume)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang