Chapter 14: Face Reality

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Smith's POV

We formed a circle and took a fighting stance.

Smith: W-Who's there?

Zombina: Show yourself!

But nobody came.

Tio: T-This place scares me! Let's leave.

Smith: *Sigh* I guess this recording's a start. Alright, let's go. We should keep an eye on this place.

We left the building.

(Y/N)'s POV

Master took us to the hospital for a medical checkup. 

Nurse 1: Hmm... It looks like you've gained a little weight.

Mero: Whaa?!

Nurse 2: Your bust size and waist have gone up a bit...

Cerea: *Groan*

Miia: Ha-ha! You both got fat?! How pathetic! My measurements are the same as the last time.

Mero: That could simply mean that all the fat went straight to your tail!

Cerea: Did you even mount the scale?!

Miia: Uh... Well, no... I-I'm so big that i can't fit on normal scales, you know!

Nurse 2: Oh, Miia-san. We've prepared a scale that'll fit you, so let's get your weight!

The smile on Miia's face dissapeared. Smirks appeared on Cerea and Mero's faces. Miia climbed on the scale. A scream was heard after that.

Nurse 3: Get in, Mister (Y/N).

I went inside an oversized hamster wheel.

Nurse 3: Start running, please.

I nodded and started running. She turned to Boris.

Nurse 3: While he's running, i'd like to ask you to break all of these 20 boards in whatever way you like.

Boris took the boards and started breaking them with his head, legs, hands, etc. 

Nurse 3: Miss Alice, i'd like for you to start doing push-ups.

Alice nodded and went down on all fours. But she was struggling. She even fell a few times.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) and Chibi Boris doing their exercises and Chibi Alice failing at doing hers

Nurse 3: Alright, let's see how you did.

She turned to me.

Nurse 3: Mister (Y/N), on the scale from 1 to 5... you scored 3.

(Y/N): Yes! Yes! 

Nurse 3: But you'll have to build up your strength and endurance some more. We'll rate you as... Durable.

(Y/N): I still consider this a victory.

She went to Alice.

Nurse 3: Miss Alice, your score is... yeesh... you know scores don't really matter. You should just focus on being yourself. We'll just rate you as... Questionable.

Alice: *Sigh* I thought i could do better.

She went to Boris.

Nurse 3: Mister Boris, on the scale from 1 to 5, you scored... a 12?

I turned to Boris. 

(Y/N): That old spanish lady was right. You're the world's most perfect man.

He took a Jesus pose. Three doves landed on him and a light came from behind.

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