Chapter 13: Welcome Home

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Smith's POV

The MON team and i went back to the old studio to look for the missing person, that (Y/N) reported.

Smith: Ok, Sammy. We're here. Let's see if we can find you.

We started looking around. 

Zombina: What are we looking for exactly?

Smith: Anything that can direct us to Sammy Lawrence. He used to work here before he joined us.

Dopel: What happened to him after he left?

Smith: He heard about (Y/N), and thought he's some sort of god. I think he thinks he could use him to "save" himself. 

Monako: Save himself?

Smith: That was what he was talking about before he left.

A groan was heard. From around the corner came a creature with three hands and a mouth on the top of it's head. It started waking towards Tio.

Tio: Ew ew ew! 

She shook her hand in front of her. She turned it into an ink puddle with one hit. 

Smith: Let's go.

We passed through a corridor. There was a recording on a table there.

Wallie Franks (Recording): At this point, I don't get what Joey's plan is for this company. The animations sure aren't being finished on time anymore. And I certainly don't see why we need this... machine. It's noisy, it's messy. And who needs that much ink anyway? Also, get this: Joey had each one of us "donate" something from our work stations. We put them on these little pedestals in the break room. "To help appease the gods", Joey says. "Keep things going". I think he's lost his mind, but, hey, he writes the checks. But I tell you what, if one more of these pipes burst, I'm outta here.

I took the recording with me.

Smith: That's not what we're looking for. Let's keep going.

We continued forward.

Tio: What are we gonna do when we find him? 

Smith: We'll get him out of here and keep him as far as possible from (Y/N).

Dopel: What will happen if he gets to him?

Smith: ...I have no idea, Dopel.

We reached another recording.

Thomas Connor (Recording): It's dark and it's cold and it's stuck in behind every single wall now. In some places, I swear this godforsaken ink is clear up to my knees! Who ever thought that these crummy pipes could hold up under this kind of strain either knows something about pressure I don't, or he's some kind of idiot. But the real worst part about all this... are them noises the system makes. Like a dying dog on its last legs. Make no mistake, this place... this... machine... heck, this whole darn thing... it just isn't natural. You can bet, I won't be doing any more repair jobs for Mister Joey Drew.

I took the recording and continued forward.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up by the sound of the alarm. I stopped it and tried to get up, but i couldn't. I was tied in a web.

(Y/N): What the-?

I got lifted up in the air.

(Y/N): Ahhhh-

Rachnera came to me.

Rachnera: Hello, honey~ How'd you sleep~?

(Y/N): R-Rachne, what are you doing in my room?!

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