Chapter 7: The Sabaody Archipelago Part 1:Time to Shine

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gods, you can talk?!" you giggled in shock as you mushed his face again. "You are so cute! Cuter than your captain for sure." you heard Law huff behind you.

"Bepo is of the Mink tribe Fairy-ya if you must know. And he's my navigator so hands off."

"Ugh buzzkill much Doc?" you gave the Bear a quick pat on the head then turned around and landed in front of the other Supernova. "I have a name you know."

He smirked as you pouted. "Call me Doc and I'll call you Fairy-ya. Only seems fair." he looked past you. " Although, I would reign in your masked soldier before things get too messy." he tilted his chin in the direction behind and you followed his gaze to see another Supernova, The Mad Monk Urouge fighting with Killer.

"Dammit to hell. We were supposed to keep a low profile." you groaned as you heard the ravened hair chuckle behind you.

"Well since most of us Supernovas are here right here in The Archipelago at the same time, there's bound to be some head butting." Law tapped his lips as he thought, his gold eyes glinting as he watched the 2 other men fight. His eyes then moved to look you over as your back was turned to him, watching the fight. You were pleasing to the eyes no doubt. Your long (h/c) hair tied up in a loose ponytail, your curvy frame wrapped in clothes that fit you just right. But it was your 6 large (f/c) fairy-like wings that really caught his eye. They were as big as you were tall and they were exceptionally beautiful. He wanted to touch them to see how they felt. As a doctor he was most intrigued on how they worked, but he would also love to see you in his bed, laying naked underneath him as he gave you a thorough checkup. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard you start yelling.

"Killer what the fuck?! Weren't you the one telling me that we needed to keep a low profile?" you flew over to Killer and smacked him on the back of his mask. He groaned and sheathed his blades as you hovered in front of him, hands on your hips.

"He started it Butterfly." Killer motioned to the Mad Monk who was talking to another Supernova, X Drake, the one who ended the fight between the other 2 rookies.

"I don't care who started it Kil, save it for the new world. Besides, we need to go." you turned to look back at Law and blew him a kiss. "Later Doc. Come see me at the singing show later if you dare. If not, we'll see you in the new world. And Bepo!" The polar bear looked up in surprise. "I want a hug next time I see you. I wanna see how fluffy you really are." you laughed as he turned a bright red and turned away, pulling Killer with you as you went to find the rest of the crew.

You and Killer had gotten back to the crew just in time for the bar they were at to explode outwards and see another Supernova, Arpoo of the On Air Pirates, come flying out yelling. You groaned when you heard a certain voice scream back at him, a voice you knew all too well. You and Killer shared a glance as Kid came stomping out of the bar, arm raised to use his devil fruit. You dropped your bags and quickly flew to get between the 2 Supernovas, wings spread wide to protect Kid. Arpoo looked a little scared as you glared at the both of them, eyes glowing white, your (f/c) magic wrapping around the 2 captains to lift them in the air, effectively separating them.

"We are gone for 2 hours max and you are already making enemies?!" you glared at your Captain as he sneered at Arpoo across from him.

"He was pissing me off, Shrimp!"

"I didn't do anything to you, you jerk!" Arpoo snarked back as the 2 men glared at each other still floating in your magic.

You gave a low hiss as you spread your wings threateningly and tightened your grip slightly, smirking when you heard both men grunt as they struggled to get out of your grip. You looked to your side when you felt Killers hand gently touch your hip, the masked man tilting his head as he looked at you.

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Where stories live. Discover now