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I haven't updated in like four months and I can't finish the previous chapter I was writing so I thought why not make one of the past, related to the upcoming chapter. Enjoy :)


1949— Florence, Italy

She must admit, Italy was a beautiful place. Their foods were delicious although it mainly contained carbs and the monuments were nice but sightseeing wasn't the reason she was there. Night was the best time for Louise to do her business, some people were smart enough to be locked away in their homes and others decided to roam the streets. That was their first mistake.

There was a word that a certain French woman was in the city now, no one knew her identity. But they would after she made her marking on the man that everyone spoke of. Carlo Leonardo Ricci, he was the beginning of a long bloodline, and Louise couldn't allow that to happen. You see, she and Carlo had some problems.

It all started with a night in Rome. Her best friend, Amelie, who she called Cookie, had been hanging out with the presumed asshole. Louise warned her about him but she refused to listen and now she found herself in a load of trouble. Amelie was lucky enough to have a great friend like her.

The night starts off in her hotel room. Louise zipped up her boots and stood up from her bed, slicking back a few lone hairs that escaped her gel. She sighed and pulled on her long trench coat, putting all her knives and guns in her pockets and boots.

Louise spared one last look at herself before opening her hotel door, leaving the building. A few people riding on bicycles passed by and she shared a small and polite smile with them. She wouldn't want to raise any suspicions on her with the police already searching for the suspected trespasser.

There was one place that Carlo had been staying in. It was an underground club, those were currently illegal in the city due to the amount of deaths — but it was of course a lie to calm the worried citizens. Louise turned into the dark alleyway, hitting the brick wall three times before the ledge fell over and she could enter the abandoned building.

Her nose turned at the horrendous smell of burnt tobacco in the room. She always hated the smell of smoke, she also hated the aftermath of someone smoking for years. She always believed that it was a waste of money. Louise's heels clicked behind her as she entered the room, a few heads lifting at the sound and scent of her perfume.

There were men playing poker, surrounded by tables and others drinking by the bar. "Does anyone know where I can find Carlo Ricci?"

A bald man behind the counter answered. "We can't tell you that, miele."

Louise's red lips spread into a smile. "Non intendo alcun danno, ho paura che un mio amico abbia degli affari da fare con lui." She said.

The man's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Scusi. He should be right behind that door."

"Grazie." Louise walked toward the door, turning around to wave at him for a second before pushing it open. She laughed under her breath at how stupid he was and slammed it shut. Carlo seemed to be fairly entertained with the prostitute in front of him, dressed in a skimpy bralette, her undergarments removed. "Non c'è modo di trattare tua moglie, è Carlo?"

"I said tomorrow." Carlo waved off.

Louise cocked an eyebrow. "Does it look like I am someone here to please you?" She shot at Carlo's thigh and the girl stumbled off of him, screaming. "Patire." She ordered. The girl immediately left, running out the room. Once she was gone Louise locked the door shut, raising her gun when Carlo attempted to stand.

"I believe there is some unfinished business we have to do." Louise teased, pointing the gun at his forehead. Carlo swallowed. "Listen, I don't know what you want from me. Gli unici nemici che ho sono le persone che mi invidiano."

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