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It was storming, perfect fucking weather for a day like this, huh. There was slight snow outside and Harry found himself staring out the window as he waited for Louis. They already packed a bag last night and this morning and now they were leaving. Harry couldn't help himself but cry last night, leaving his family and the town he grew up in. He really wanted to live in Italy, but Louis told him that would probably be the number one place Mark would try to find them. So, instead they were moving to North Carolina. Harry had no idea what that is, but apparently Louis does, and that's where they were going. The train Louis chose allowed dogs, so luckily, Clifford would be able to come. They had to get all traces out the house.

Clifford started to bark, following after Louis as he held the last two suitcases. "Did you already pack the car?" Louis asked. Harry nodded, biting his lip. "Good job. I'm going to put these in the trunk, you stay right here, okay?"


Louis made sure Clifford stayed inside the house before hurrying to the car. Harry had been really depressed recently, and Louis knew that kind of thing could affect him and the baby, and he was trying to make Harry feel better, but he wasn't sure how. The poor boy had to cut ties with all of his family, and move to America. He had an idea how he felt, although, Louis didn't really care about moving, he honestly didn't like his family. He walked back inside the house where Harry was now on the couch, playing with the sleeves of Louis' sweater. "Come on, amour. Go put your jacket on." Harry got up to go to the closet and Louis picked up Clifford, cradling the dog. They had gotten a car seat for the dog, who apparently liked it a lot considering he would start barking like crazy when they put him in, but it felt like he knew that Harry was sad, so he didn't make noise as much as he used to. 

He probably could feel it, it was all over Harry's face. "How long is the train ride?"

"About six hours." Louis answered. Harry nodded silently, turning back to look out the window. "I heard there's great houses there." Louis said to try and lighten the mood. Harry hummed, resting his chin on his palm. "And baby supplies." 


Louis sighed, turning the road as they approached the station. There was a specific place for the cars to park so they could transport vehicles, so they got all the suitcases out, and Harry carried Clifford in a basket. The puppy peaked out to watch where they were going, seeing the big train and whining. "It's alright, Cliff." Harry whispered, petting his fur to calm him. Louis helped Harry onto the train and handed the conductor their tickets before getting a seat somewhere in the back. 

America was not like England. For one, it was just now morning. Two, it was not storming, it was chilly, though. And three, they talked awfully weird. Harry was confused the entire time as they got off the train to get their car and travel the rest of the way. "I'm hungry." Harry said, frowning. Louis rolled their suitcases to the trunk, popping it open. "We'll get some food." 

Harry huffed, looking around with Clifford still in his arms. "What do Americans eat, anyways." 

"For what, breakfast?" Louis asked distractedly. "Yes." 

"Um... I think they eat cereals and stuff. Almost the same as us." Harry put Clifford in the back seat before getting in the passenger side, buckling his seatbelt. It was kind of over his bump that was currently hidden behind the jacket. They drove for awhile until they spotted a place called Denny's. Harry held his bump as they walked to the Diner, Louis holding Clifford. They pushed the door open to the diner, noticing it was nearly empty in there. "Hello." A woman called. 

Louis smiled, walking up to the front. "Hi. Um, we were wondering if you had a table for two." She nodded, returning the smile. "Yes, follow me." She directed them somewhere near the windows, the perfect seat to see the sunrise. Louis thanked her, taking a seat across from Harry. "Paris," he read her nametag. "I'm from France." 

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