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Pregnancy was not suited for Harry, morning sickness was kicking his ass, and Clifford would not leave him alone. To top it all, he had no idea what kind of excuse he could use on not do work. It's not like he got "sick days," he just got told who to kill and he'd do it. But now, that could risk the health of their baby. Parties too, there was supposed to be a really important one coming, and now he wouldn't be able to attend in case of an attack. His bump was really starting to show, and he didn't know if his parents would get suspicious if he started to wear different clothing than the typical dresses he wore. Louis told him not to worry, but he isn't sure how long he can continue "not worrying" until something actually happens.

Even though it was Winter, Harry always wore dresses despite the weather, he even said that it wouldn't stop him from dressing nicely, but now he kept that jacket on unless he was in the house. Clifford was by his foot, as usual, while he worked on pie. Ew. The puppy started to bark, making him furrow his eyebrows to ask what all the noise was for until he heard his phone start to ring. 

Papà. Shit.

He grabbed the phone from the counter and placed a hand on his bump, something he found himself doing a lot, especially if he wanted comfort. "Figlio!"  Des' voice shouted through the phone. Harry hums, rubbing his stomach. "Yeah." 

"You don't sound too happy to hear from your father."

"Yeah. I'm just a little distracted." He mumbled, trying to fit the stripes of crust he had cut vertically. "Oh, what're you doing?"

"Making pie." 

"Ah, for the party?"

Harry paused, putting the phone on speaker so he could place it on the counter. "What party?" 

"Figlio, did you forget? Your mother's told you at least a million times. Our usual Christmas party. All assassins." 

Fuck, he totally forgot about that. "Yeah, um, sorry, Papà. That just slipped my mind, um, no the pie wasn't necessarily for the party..." 

Des chuckled. "What, you were going to eat that all by yourself?"


Harry pursed his lips and added the final touches to the pie. "No. I was just making it for fun, Dad. I've got to go, but I'll call you later." He said. "Make sure you give your mother a call, she's missed you." Harry smiled. "Alright. Ti amo." 

"Ti amo." He hung up the phone and sighed. There was something in him that really wanted to go to the party, but the logical part told him that it would be a bad idea. Clifford started to bark again, jumping onto Harry's knee, probably wanting to be picked up. Harry huffed, scratching behind the puppy's ear. "You know I hate holding you." 

The dog whined, placing his little paws onto Harry's belly. "Ugh. Fine." He muttered. He cradled the dog in one arm and used the other to put the pie in the oven, turning it on for forty minutes. While it cooked he took a seat on the couch and turned on Law & Order, something he watched a lot with Clifford usually beside him. 

When the pie was finished he took a seat again, continuing the show while he at the desert from the pan, and that's how Louis found him, watching TV and eating an entire pie with Clifford lying beside him chewing on a chew toy. "Hi, baby." Harry looked up with the fork hanging in his mouth. Louis pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling. "How were you?" 



Harry shrugged. "He was good. Was at my feet all day as usual." Louis chuckled, going over to pet the dog, who immediately jumped up when he recognized Louis, going to lick his face. Louis laughed, letting the puppy rest on his lap as he sat beside the younger man. Harry chewed on the food for a moment, contemplating on whether he should bring up the party or not. He decides on it last minute, licking the cherry filling off the fork, before clearing his throat. "So.. my Dad's having a p-" 

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