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TW// lot's of violence in this chapter, torture, gore, etc.

Harry opened his eyes slowly, his vision still slightly blurry. He could make out his shoes, but it felt like everything was swaying. His head was pounding and he felt like he could throw up. The only thing he remembered was the echoing voices, then his vision gave out. The second time he woke up, it still felt like everything was spinning, but he felt a little better. He went to get up but he realized he couldn't move. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, looking behind himself to see he was tied up. His arms were bounded together behind the chair and his legs were tied also. 

What the hell.

"You are awake." A French accent said. Harry blinked slowly, looking up. The man was dressed in black, just like the ones from before, his chin covered in a bushy stubble. "Who are you? Where am I? What the fuck?" He asked. His throat was dry and he realized that he was in an unfamiliar room. It was dark down there, and there was a lot of technology. "You are asking a lot of questions." 

Harry breathed shakily, looking around. "Why.." 

"I can't answer your questions right away, but just know you are in deep trouble," He smiled. "And you possibly will be dying tonight." Harry swallowed, staring down at his bump. It was still there... does that mean the baby's okay? He hoped. He doesn't know what they had him inhale earlier, but really all he was hoping was that the baby was okay. "They don't care about the baby." The man said. 

"I don't care what you guys think." He muttered. "You've got a mouth on you, I see. I've been told it's great." Harry grimaced, feeling like his heart dropped to his stomach. "He should be coming soon." 

"Who is he?" Harry questioned. "You'll see." Is all he answered with, a wicked smile on his face. His hand held a baton, directing it towards Harry's bump. "I don't think that'll stay much longer." Harry's breathing grew unsteady, and he wanted so badly to punch that bitch's face, but his hands were bind. Suddenly the door swung open, making Harry jump. He was trying to see who entered but then he saw a body drop on the floor, gasping when he realized it was Louis'. 

"It's nice to finally meet you, Harry." Mark said, his hands clasped in front of him. Harry's eyes widened, looking over at the bearded man. He noticed the scared look on Harry's face and smiled. "Oh, don't worry about him. He's all fine," he kicked Louis' body. "Just a little... hurt." He flipped Louis over with his foot, the man rolling over. His face was slightly bloodied, and obviously passed out for awhile. Harry tried not to cry as he stared at Louis' body, his anxiety increasing. "Don't cry, he wouldn't answer my questions. Although, I could believe that has something to do with all the alcohol in his system." 

Harry bit his lip, watching Mark's every movement. "I was looking all over for you two... and now I finally have you. Honestly, it was a shock when I heard that my son had knocked up the Styles heir." The man chuckled. "Could've seen this coming, though. You know, I really thought you guys got away.. you guys thought you got away. But one thing to know about me is that I always find who I want." Harry flinched when Mark went to tap his bump with the baton, smirking at the reaction. "It's not like you'll survive anyways. I'm thinking of imprisoning you.. keep you as a slave. Torture you." 

Mark was interrupted when the man from earlier tapped on him. "He's awake." He whispered. Mark held a grim expression as he turned his attention to his son, who was lying on the floor, blinking his eyes open. He touched his forehead in confusion when he felt the warm liquid dripping down, staring at his now blood stained palm. "You seriously forgot what happened?" Mark asked him. Louis squinted, looking around before he became alert. "What the hell?" 

Definitely sober now. 

"Oh, Louis, Louis." Mark tsked. Louis glanced to his side, doing a double take when he noticed Harry tied up to the chair. He went to get up quickly but Mark beat him to it, pushing him down with the baton. "You don't think you're getting far, do you, son?" Louis stared at Harry for a moment before turning to Mark. "I raised you better than this, you know? This could have easily been avoided.. but no, Louis wanted to do whatever the fuck he wanted, didn't he?" Louis still tried to get up but Mark pushed him down with his foot. "Don't struggle, son. You know better. Now, tell me, how long has this been going on? If you're pretty far along in pregnancy I assume it's been awhile." 

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