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Harry was in the kitchen, taking out a pan of lasagna when he heard the front door open, indicating that Louis was home. He smiled to himself, grabbing the plates out the cabinets just as Louis came behind him to wrap his arms around his waist and press kisses to the back of his neck. "Hello." Louis smirked, nipping on his skin. "Hi." 

"How was work?" Louis shrugged, moving to lean against the counter. "You know, the usual business." Harry laughed, grabbing their bottle of wine. "And what is the usual business?" 

"Dealings. I guess nobody has decided to not pay the right money. Dad hasn't had me do anything else lately." He muttered. Harry frowned, grabbing a plate of lasagna and vegetables to take to their dining room table. "Why?" 

"I don't know." Louis said, following after him. "Well, I think that your Dad is being very stupid, mio amore." Louis chuckled. "I agree." Harry placed the last plate and a bottle of wine onto the table, taking a seat. "Well, I on the other hand have been assigned a very fun murder." He said. Louis laughed lightly, taking a bite of the food. "And what is that?" 

"So, you know Benjamin Kravitz? Or, white claw, whatever," Louis nodded. "My Dad wants me to assassinate him." Louis smiled proudly, "That's great, Haz." 

"I'm just wondering if they have got suckish security again or if I'll have to pass them." Harry mumbled. "I'm sure you'll be fine, love."

"Hope so," he dropped his fork onto his plate and picked up the wine bottle from the table. "Now why don't we drink this baby up?" 

"I have a feeling you just want to get drunk," Louis said, but he dropped his fork anyways and let Harry pour him a glass. 

Harry was sat at a table in a small coffee shop after another killing. He would definitely be paying double to the barista, the coffee had the perfect amount of sweetness and caramel in it. He sent a quick message to his mom saying that they made coffee better to her before clicking off his phone, seeing somebody take the seat across from him. He raised his an eyebrow in confusion, watching as the tattooed man crossed his arms over the table as if he came here invited. "Can I help you?" Harry asked. "Ho bisogno che tu uccida qualcuno per me." The man said. Harry paused, furrowing his eyebrows. "How do you know about me?" 

"Somebody recommended me to you." The man answered. 

"And who was this?" Harry asked, taking a sip from his coffee. "I can't say." 

"Who is this person?" 

"Louis Tomlinson." Harry took a deep breath, composing himself. "I am sorry, but, I don't work for anyone." He said. "I only follow after my father." The man sighed, "Please." He dug into what Harry guessed was his pocket, dropping a shit ton of cash onto the table. "I pay you that much, double if I have to." Harry bit his lip as he stared down at the money. Although it was convincing, there would really be no point in killing Louis. One, he loved him, he was his fucking boyfriend, and two, a fight between the two of them was nearly impossible. Louis has good senses, he can tell when a bullets about to hit him no matter how far away that person is. Although those were from other people's attempts and Harry's never missed a shot, like he said before, a fight between them was never ending. From experience, so far they have had two fights. One from when they met the second time, and two was when they had to keep acting like they hated each other. As if they don't secretly live together and confess their love to one another every day.

Harry pushed the money back to the man. "I'm sorry, sir. But I don't do--" 

"Please, signore. I'll pay you triple!!" God, this man was desperate. Harry contemplated over whether or not he should play this man before sighing. "I will think about it. Keep your money, and I'll come find you when I decide." 

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