The Curse.

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_____'s P.O.V
It's done. The curse is finished. Killian and Emma both are mad and sad  at each other. Even if they aren't really. I've won. Now we'll all be happy. I walk away from thr scene. Killian is alone. And that swan girl is alone. ____ and i will now get our happy endings we deserve after all we've been through. We will be happy. No matter what. 
Killian's P.O.V
I woke up to Emma not laying on me like we feel asleep. I start to freak out and think maybe that was just all a dream. That's it. All the memories came flooding back. Emma. No. She still hates me. I hate Milah. I look around the room and realize im all alone. Again. I miss my Swan. I cant believe i was so stupid. Stupid enough to loose my only reason to live, my swan. I sit up. And think.
Emma's P.O.V
I woke up to not find Killian. No. A curse. To keep us apart. I need to find Regina. Maybe she can help me.
Regina's P.O.V
There was a knock on the door just as i feel asleep. Rayln has kept me up for the last two months. I am SO tired! All i want to do is sleep. Thats it. The knocking turns into banging.
"OK!!! I'M COMING!!!!" i yelled.
The banging stopped. Thank god.
I pull myself out of bed and slip my rob on. I half run down the stairs and open the door. Emma. She's crying.
"Oh my god. What happened?!"
Emma's P.O.V
"Oh my god. What happened?!" she asked. "Well..." my voice cracking "its a long story. Can i come in?" i asked "yes. Oh course. Come in" she said stepping aside. I smile slightly and walk in.
Hi!!!!! It's Katie!!! Want to say thanks for the 2.2k views. Please remember to comment your opinion. Who do you think _____ and ____ is??? Welll....sorry its short. Longer update coming soon!!!!!!!

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