The Well (part 2)

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Emma's P.O.V
"Milah, how many times do i have to tell you Emma is my only love-" he turned around amd stopped when he saw me. I, once again, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the well. All the way there all i heard was "ow!" Coming from his mouth. I stopped, and watched him regain his balance, which was pretty funny considering he almost toppled over several times. After he regained his balance he started "Emma i-" i stoppped him by pressing my lips straight to his. He kissed back. It was a long kiss. I pulled away knowing he wasn't going to. He looked at me woth hope in his eyes. "Emma-" i stopped him again. "Listen to me, that, was a goodbye present. In a few seconds you are not gonna be able to move, or, i can make you black out so its easier. You choose." I told him. "Emma, i always you." I didn't want to hear it. "Ok then, black out it is." With a snap of my fingers, he was lying on the forest ground. With another snap, he was in our- his, house." I walked away from the well. Feeling better. Kinda. Not really. No, i felt worse. I needed him.
Killian's P.O.V
I woke up in our bed. I start to sit up. "Emma?-" i call, but i stopped myself suddenly remembering what happened. I started to cry. I cant do this. I love her, not bloody Milah, im over Milah. By now im not crying, im bawling. I get out of bed, and walk to the kitchen. I see a note on the counter, i automatically run over and read it.
I'll be back in a while.
I love you.
Im sorry.
Ugh! Bloody hell. Why couldnt  it have been Emma who had wrote the note.
I bawl harder. Suddenly, the front door opens. I'm so angry with Milah right now.
"GOD DAMIT! MILAH! GO THE HELL AWAY! I HATE YOU. I USED  TO LOVE YOU. NOT ANYMORE. I HATE YOU!  GO THE BLOODY HELL AWAY!" I yell. Then a figure turns around the corner. I cant see out my eyes very well, considering that my eyes are filled to the brim with tears. I try ti make out who it is. No. I see blonde. Emma. "Emma, why are you here?!" I yell. I'm so mad. She will mot listen to me. I love her. Not Milah. No doubt about it. "I-I-I came by to see you..." she started. Choking on her words. She was obviously crying too."i l-love you." She finished. I feel my knees starting to fail. I fall down crying harder and harder by the second. "Y-you do?" I asked through sobs. "Yes. I do" she said without struggle. She slowly walked up yo me and knelt down. She put her finger to my chin and slowly raised my head up to look at her. "I love you." She said once again. I opened my mouth to speak but before i start, our lips were preseed together and kissing. I broke away and our foreheads stayed together. "Please, please tell me that was for sure. Please." I begged. "I promise." She said. She cupped my chin once again and said, "it will always be." She was slightly crying. Letting out a few quiet sobs here and there. We sat there like that for a long time. Until we feel asleep.
Hiii!!!! Author here!!! I just want to say, thank you so.much for the people who leave comments and vote for my book. It meand the world to me! One quick favor...PLEASE go and read @thatoncerzulu 's book, and please, PLEASE, comment and tell her to update!!!!!!! I'm gonna die without her book!!! And if i die, i cant uodate tbis book!!!!! PLEASE go and read her book!!! P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!!!!

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