Holy Babies!?!

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Emma's P.O.V
I can't believe its been two and a half months since I told Killian I was pregnant and he proposed. Dr. Whale says that I'm bigger than most people for only being two and a half months so Killian and I have an appointment today in a half an hour. I'm just starting to get ready.
Half an hour later at Dr. Whale's office
Killian's P.O.V
"Okay, just sign here and here and we can get ready for the ultrasound." Dr. Whale says. Emma signed where he pointed. She said "all done!" And turned and looked at me and smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen Emma out on her face, in fact it was the biggest smile I had ever seen on anyone! Whale led us to a room. I stayed in the room while Emma went to change into the hospital gown. She came back in with the same big smile like she had never stopped smiling the whole time she was getting changed. Everybody told me she was happy when she was around me.
Emma's P.O.V
I walked back in still smiling. I'm always so gappy around Killian. I walk over to the bed and lay down. Whale comes in about five minutes later and asked if we were ready. He started to put jelly on my stomach.
Killian's P.O.V
He started to put jelly stuff on her stomach then put a machine thing on the jelly stuff and rubbed it around. There was silence for a minute then whale said "congratulations Emma and Killian! You have a girl and a boy!" I was looking at my swan like if he was crazy. She was crying. I didn't understand. "Twins?!?" Emma said then it hit me. A girl and a boy...twins! We ar going to have twins! I start to tear up and kiss Emma. I couldn't believe it. We were not only going to have a kid, but two kids!
Emma's P.O.V
Killian kissed me and I smiled into his lips. We were going to have twins! Twins! Oh my god! I need to tell mom! I can't wait till we see them tonight for dinner. Dinner tonight was at Granny's. Regina, Mom, Dad, Henry, Robin, baby Neal, and Belle was going to be there! I thinking we will announce the news tonight while pretty much everyone was going to there. Ruby and Granny would already be there so we could probably pull them aside for a minute or two. I'm so excited!
Emma and Killian's minds P.O.V....
We going to have twins! We going to have twins! We going to have twins! They chanted...

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