Chapter 21: Janae

Start from the beginning

He nodded his head.

"Well are actually quadruplets which means there were 4 of us born at the same time instead of two and these are our twin brother and sister. This is Janae, she's my identical twin, and that's Oliver, he's Oakley's identical twin." June said pointing at me and Oliver.

I held my hand out to give him a high-five, "Hi Owen, I'm Janae. It's nice to meet you."

He smiled at me and waved.

Oliver then came next to June and said "Hey there little buddy, I'm Oliver and I'm so happy to have you here."

Owen was a little more intimidated by Oliver than he was of me but he gave him a little nod and wave and then cuddled closer to June.

June bounced him up and said, "Hey Owen when was the last time you've eaten?"

Probably days by the look of it. Owen was so small he also was so thin. He was just skin and bones.

He shrugged his shoulders at June's question.

She stood up with him in her arms and went to the baskets of food that Oakley brought home.

"How about sandwiches for lunch everyone?" She says opening the basket and taking out bread and a bunch of different spreads and jams.

"Owen, what would you like on your sandwich?" She asks.

He was looking at all the options. Carefully deciding what he wanted.

He looks around at all of us and softly asks "I can have anything?"

"Of course, you can baby, would you like me to make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or would you like something else?" June asks trying to figure out what he likes.

He quietly asks "Um, can I have just jelly please?"

June nods her head. "Can I put you down to make your sandwich or would you like someone else to hold you?"

He ponders the question for a second before saying, "You can put me down."

She did but he didn't really go anywhere he just stayed super close to June.

She lead him to the table and put his plate down and then helped him into the chair because he was too small to get up himself.

We all made our own palates and sat at the table together. There were only enough seats for 4 of us so June ended up having Owen sit on her lap while they ate.

He really was adorable.

I'd never really met a kid before. None of us had. The only people we've ever known were the palace staff and they were all much older than us so I'm surprised Owen liked the four of us as much as he did.

It didn't take him too long to warm up to all of us and by the end of lunch, he was telling us all about himself.

He was telling us about his favorite color, his favorite foods, and his favorite things to do.

While he was talking he started yawning and he looked like he was getting really sleepy. He was so cute.

"Are you getting tired, Owen?" I asked him.

He most definitely was but I don't think he wanted to admit it.

"Maybe just a tiny bit sleepy." He said really softly.

"I'll tell you what Owen. How about we go give you a bath and let you clean up and while you do that we will try and find you some clean clothes to put on after? Then you can take a little nap." I asked him.

He nodded his head as I came and picked him off June's lap and took him toward the bathroom.

I drew the water, let him get undressed, and helped him into the tub. While he was sitting in the tub June came in with some clothes.

"Okay so this is all going to be very big on you Owen but I have one of Oakley's shirts you can put on and you can wear it kind of like a dress. It's all we have so it will have to do until I wash your clothes and we get you some more."

He nodded and then June left leaving just the two of us.

I took a rag and started washing his hair out.

"So Owen, I heard you have a twin sister and an Older brother can you tell me a little bit about them?" I asked, curiously hoping this wasn't a sore subject for him and that we could find out a little bit more about him.

"Um well my big brother Odin is 16, he's very tall and strong and I want to be just like him when I get older. My twin sister Jenifer is 6 like me, her favorite color is purple and she likes puppies a lot."

His brother's name also starts with an "O"

"Okay Owen, are you ready to get out now?" I asked, getting his towels ready.

He nodded and then I wrapped him up in a towel and put Oakley's shirt on him.

June was right, this thing was huge on him. It came all the way down almost to his ankles.

He looked even cuter now without all the dirt on him. The water he came out of was almost completely brown. He looked like a brand-new kid.

But I could also see a lot of bruises and marks that were covered by all the dirt.

I could tell he was trying to hide them and not let me see and none of them looked to urgent so I didn't say anything.

"Okay Owen, are you ready for bed?"
He nodded and then I picked him up and carried him to the living room where June had set up lots of pillows and blankets on the couch for him and then I put him to bed.


AN: awww what a cute chapter.
I know I said that I would probably get like 2 or 3 chapters out this week but I got kinda busy and couldn't get it done.

But I do hope to get a new chapter out before Christmas.


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