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Author's note: Just to let you all now, my voting poll will be in my page until next week, so yeah. Please make sure you cast down your votes before the deadline.

P.S. There is going to be dialogues that are going to be alternate from the cannon one. And when I'm doing ODST, I might do the terminals, if I'm willing to do it. I cannot wait to write the mission regret because Leone is going to play that mission. *cough**cough* punching an old man in a chair.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kiru and Halo, they belong to their rightful and respectful owners.

Before anyone could start the next mission, Delta realises something and soon teleports away. This made everyone confused as to why Delta immediately left. But before anyone could start questioning, Delta came back and gave Dorothea a syringe.

Dorothea recognised this. "Wait. Is this-"

"It is." Delta interrupted in her cheerful tone. "I promised you that I would make one, but I forgot to bring it with me."

Now this made everyone confused with this. Why was Delta being too friendly towards Dorothea? But, before they could ask any questions, Dorothea injected the substance into her body and soon she was feeling happy.

"How do you feel?" Najenda asked the blood-sucker.

"Much better. And I won't use blood anymore." Dorothea replied with a happy tone. Everyone was still confused to why She was happy about this, but she knew that she wouldn't tell them straight away. So, de decides to keep it as a secret.

"Shall we continue?" Delta asked. "And also, don

"Sure." Tatsumi, Leone, Wave and Akame nodded and soon everyone looked back at the screen.


A Marine sitting on the ground, breathing erratically, watches as John-117 approaches. John steps over him to a standing female Marine.

Female Marine: "It blew right through us. (They watch as the Scarab ramps over the bridge, out of view) 50-cal, rockets... didn't do a thing."

"Considering the type of armour plating it has, that won't have a huge effect." Run pointed out.

A Pelican drops a tank. Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson gets out, John-117 and Marines walk over.

"Wait..." Leone perked up and was excited to see the tank again. "I call dibs on the tank!"

"Already." Tatsumi started.

"Well yeah, I got to charge in...." Leone continued but got glares from Najenda as she remembers what she said.

Sergeant Johnson: "Where's the rest of your platoon?"

Female Marine: "Wasted, Sarge."

Marine 1: "And we will be, too, sir, if we don't get the hell outta here!"

"Really." Esdeath looked at the marine.

Sergeant Johnson: (Puts a hand on Marine's shoulder) "You hit, Marine?"

Marine 1: "N-no, Sir."

Sergeant Johnson : "Then listen up!"

"Another Johnson speech." Leone clenched her fists in excitement.

"And wonder if it's something good." Bulat added.

Johnson: "When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon - and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you're one very lucky Marine!"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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