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A/N: Okay, I am going to put in the Terminal in this one before the mission because they will have no idea how the Flood steals their memories to find something very useful for them. Just to let you know, the Halloween special's synopsis is going to be shown soon. There's not going to be much reaction when they play the mission due to the shock of the terminal.

P.S. I also want to thank ExcaliburShooter for both the opening and the terminal.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kiru and Halo. They belong to their rightful and respectful owners.

Run was sitting on the couch on one side of the room with Sheele leaning on him happily as he began thinking of Delta's response to his question about who released the Flood.

"The Prophet of Stewardship ordered such a thing. The Fleet Master was angry that he took over without consent." He remembered and he wondered who this Fleet Master was exactly.

"Pardon me Delta, but is it alright if I ask you a question?" He said and Delta turned to him.

"Yes Reclaimer, feel free to ask anything." She replied respectfully.

"You said that the Fleet Master was angry that this Prophet of Stewardship took control without consent but I been wondering who this Fleet Master is?" He asked. This got everyone's attention as they began wondering who he was.

Delta paused for a second in slight hesitation of their possible reactions but decided to elaborate.

"Alright but don't get enraged when you hear it please." She replied as she knows he's the same one who led the attack on Reach and multiple campaigns to exterminate human colonies. However this only got the audience's attention even more.

"The Fleet Master's name is... Thel 'Vadamee." She revealed nervously.

In an instance there was a collective of "What!", "Him!" and "The Elite that slaughtered over a billion innocent lives!"

"I knew this would happen." Delta sighed loudly.

"He needs to pay for what he's done!" Tatsumi said with gritted teeth.

"Eliminate." Akame said darkly.

"Hope we get to kill him..." Leone says cracking her fists.

"Bastard." Najenda and Lubbock said.

"Well this will be interesting." Esdeath said in her head.

"Alright, alright I get it, you humans don't like him. But you don't know him personally, you haven't seen it from his perspective Reclaimers so let's calm down." Delta said trying to cool the wrathful environment.

"He's killed over a billion people in cold blood!" Mine said "He deserves no mercy!"

"Yes he's killed more than a billion people but I shall let you know that he is not like Esdeath, he's not a sadist. He's a honourable admiral more similar to Budo then Esdeath Reclaimer." Delta counters.

"Yeah right, I doubt that." Najenda said with venom. Too her, he was nothing more but another Esdeath in her mind.

"Again Reclaimer you don't know him personally yet, you haven't seen his story, and you haven't seen how much more honourable he is. At least he gave his opponents a fighting chance unlike Esdeath and didn't fight for a nonsensical self-defeating philosophy that values only selfishness above all others."

Delta gestures to the blue haired woman who chooses to ignores Delta. "And his armies were far more organized with warriors who were simply fighting for the Covenant not for themselves. He is NOT like Esdeath at all. He was just following orders from the Hierarchs because he thought at that point of time that he was doing the right thing for the betterment of the Covenant as all of the Elites did also." Delta countered defending Thel 'Vadamee.

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