Noble Actual

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A/N: Well, I broke my promise on the first mission. But I already chose what Gender is Noble 6, which is a male. I know that many of you want it to be female but I decide to stick to the cannon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill and Halo. They belong to their respected owners.

There was a bit of silence for a few minutes about who will choose to play the first mission. The remnants of Wild Hunt and four Rakshasa Demons only wanted to watch, so it was only up to Night Raid and the Jaegers. Since there was no one willing to play, the monitor soon gave the controller to Tatsumi and the screen shows multiple planet before showing a big planet known as Reach.

"This planet.... Is Reach?" Najenda guessed.

"You are right indeed. Reach was the last remaining Human colony planet before Earth." The monitor answered. "It was also the birth place of the Spartan II programme."

The screen shows a pop-up screen, whether or not the player can be a male or a female. Lubbock wanted the spartan to be a female, but the Monitor states that they have to keep it cannon and Tatsumi chooses male. The colour, well, it was all steel since it was the colour that no one was bothered about it.

"Oh, cannot wait to play as a spartan like the Chief." Leone said excitedly.

"You are not wrong, but you are missing something." The monitor pointed out

"Then what is it?" Lubbock asked.

"You are going to be played as a Spartan III. Not a Spartan II." She answered. "The IIs and IIIs are quite similar."

"Then what's the differences?" Akame asked as she knew what the Spartan II was.

"There are five differences." She answered.

"Five?!" Some of them shouted.

"Yes, for instance, they used vengeful orphan children instead of kidnapped ones at the age of 6 in human destroyed worlds for the Spartan III program so that ONI can manipulate their minds and turning them into their personal weapon." She started. Many felt slightly shocked about this, but at least they weren't kidnapped unlike the IIs. Still, Akame and Kurome were feeling the same as they were both trained to be perfect after the Empire's assassin test.

"The second are the numbers. While the IIs had only 33 in service, the IIIs had about a thousand in its numbers." Everyone had their jaws dropped when she said that.

"Is it because of the augmentation?" Stylish questioned.

"You are right and that leads me to my third point. While the IIs' augmentation was very lethal and most of them died, the IIIs had safer augmentations." She continued.

"What kind of augmentations did they have?" Akame asked as she had a bad feeling about it.

"To answer that, they simply pumped drugs through them. That way they were deadlier than the IIs. And also due to advance technology." She answered. That made Akame frown as she remembered what Kurome had gone through. Kurome noticed that and pat her sister in the shoulder.

"The fourth difference is their armour. While some Spartan III teams had standard Mjolnir armour, most of them had SPI armours." She still continued.

"SPI?" some said.

"Semi-Powered Infiltration were designed as stealth armour for infiltration mission." She continued. That... was a good idea for Night Raid and Stylish could make those.

"And what was the fifth?" Kurome asked.

"The fifth one you're not going to like." She looked down in sadness. "Despite their overpowered augmentations and skills, unlike the IIs, there were....expendable."

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