I put on sky blue pants and black shoes, followed by a dress shirt and the royal jacket with the emblem of the kingdom and medals of my successes. It was white with gold in it.

Once ready and everyone is in place, I start walking through the aisle of the red carpeted floor of the open amphitheater of my pack, inspired by greek art and architecture. It was big enough to hold about 80.000 people. It was full and everyone was dressed to their nines. This wasn't like a concert, everyone was talking, but there was no screaming or disruptive behavior.

Everything looked out of a fairytale, and I was hundred percent sure Riley was going to love my mother's work. Fairy lights were everywhere, and there were flowers scattered all around, which brought many butterflies and dragonflies. Everything looked amazing.

Carter, Felix and Riley's three brothers were standing on the altar by my side. While by Riley's side were standing Rebecka, Carmen and Riley's three sisters-in-law.

I stand on my spot, a knot forming in my stomach. Gosh, I just wanted Riley, but I know I have to last the whole day with the festivities to finally be able to carry Riley to our room so we can finally have alone time. Then, we'll fly to Thailand and be alone on our honeymoon, then, in the third week, our pack will join us and a couple of days later, our families will arrive. It was going to be a huge vacation, but it would be the first time our families will be spending time together.

Suddenly, the music started and I knew it was the moment I'd see my wife and mate walk down the aisle to me.

I am so ready. Fuck.



I could hear everyone behind these closed doors.

I was a bundle of nerves, but I was so ready. The gown felt amazing on me. With the heels on, the hair styled and the jewelry on, I felt like a princess, and I knew my moment had finally arrived.

I give a nod to the guard and the music starts so everyone knows that I am about to walk down the aisle.

My dad gives me a last emotional look before staring straight ahead.

When the moment the heavy oak doors opened, an intrusive thought came and part of me wanted to turn around, scared of all the people. I've never been the center of attention, really. It made me awkward and self-conscious to know people have their attention and eyes on me. It felt like I couldn't be myself or move freely. But this time was different.

The people filling the amphitheater were non-existent at this moment. Everything faded. The moment I started walking toward the altar, my eyes turned into a tunnel vision, and in the end, it was only Alec for me.

The aisle was long, the amphitheater it's very big so I tried my best to do quick steps but with grace. I just couldn't stop smiling. I have to remind myself not to cry and think about bad and awful things so I'll stop any attempt for the tears to spill.

It felt like forever. It felt like it was only seconds, when my dad finally gave my hand to Alec, and everyone gushed around me.

I step in front of Alec holding each other's hand. My heart swelled when I stare into Alec's eyes and they were shiny with unshed tears. I squeeze his hands in support and he smiles up at me, giving my hands a squeeze back.

I'd be lying if I said the priest's words were inspiring and beautiful, because... I wouldn't really know. Guilty as charged! I didn't really pay attention to the ceremony, and something tells me that Alec was the same as me, too immersed with each other, thrilled to be where we are at. What it means to be standing in front of one another, dressed the way we were dressed.

So when the priest called Alec to put the rings on, he was startled when he had to be called for the second time. Everyone there laughed with joy.

With his face completely red, Alec's repeated the priest's words while sliding the gold band on my ring finger. Next was my turn and I did the same. Then it was time to say 'I do' and I have to remind myself to turn my excitement down and not jump yelling 'I do!'. When Alec said I do my heart felt like it was going to explode with love.

I give up. It was when I finally welcomed the tears.

When was my turn, and said the words that would bind us for the rest of our lives, the amphitheater exploded with applause and cheers.

"Come here, wifey"

Alec pulls me to him from the waist and plants his lips on mine. It was a sloppy and clumsy kiss because neither of us couldn't stop smiling like two fools.

I guess now was time to celebrate!


Okay, first thing: thank you so much to read to this point!

Second, it is official, this story is ending. I don't know if I should do this the last chapter and the next the epilogue. What do you say?

It feels surreal that I reached this point with the story. It's kinda crazy. Fifty-four chapters later and... I'm here. Thank you so much to everyone who stuck around. I know the story is not at all popular as I wished it to be, but I know at least I'm not being ghosted lol.

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