Interview with Addy12!!!

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The amazing, awesome, Addy12!!!!

1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how safe do you think Wattpad is for children 13 and under?

10.  I believe that its very safe.  They have the opportunity to talk to others who love to write and who are older.  It allows them to get advice on their writing technique at a very young age and to meet new people.  They don't have to worry about predators like other sites because people are strictly here to show their writing to a broader audience :)

2) What interests you more, reading, or writing?

That's a very hard question! *Sigh* I'll have to say that I love to read more than write.  The only reason though is because I liked to be sucked into someone elses world and be able to connect to the characters in that story.  I love reading something that's different and that is incorporated in my writing.  I love to write something new and that isn't "trending" like vampires or werewolves.  No offense to anyone who loves to write about that.  Reading is a way of escaping to another world rather than be stuck in my every day "normal" life.

3) How often do you typically update chapters of your stories?

I try to update at least every week.  I'm on spring break right now so I've been writing like crazy but when school starts up again, I probably won't have time until the middle of May to update constantly.

4) Have you ever been on the What's Hot list?

Yes! And it was a pretty great feeling!  It wasn't at the top at all though.  The highest I'd gotten was probably in the end of the 300's.  I was still pretty happen that it made it to the list though :)

5) How often are you on Wattpad daily?

At least once a day.  Yeah, I know....I'm addicted.  I should probably go and see a doctor or go WA (wattpad anonoymous) meetings ;P

6) Do you write rough drafts of your stories?

Yes, sometimes.  I really love to write in my notebook so most of the chapters are written down first.  When I'm done I start typing and add new stuff to the chapter.  I like having a concrete road map and once I have it then I can go into different directions when I sit down and start typing. 

7) Have you ever thought of doing a story with another Wattpad member or a group?

Yes, I have.  But most of us are really busy and if I do ever sit down and co-write then it'd probably be during the summer!  I think that it would be a really fun experience, writing with someone else.  The readers will definitely get two different sides of the story because no one has the same writing technique or tone.  I believe everyone has their own unique way of writing :) I'd love to write a story with anyone if they are interested! Just message me and I'll see if I have time but like I said...summer would be the best time to do this! :))

8) Do you think any of your stories will win The Watty Awards?

Honestly? No.  I mean I have faith in my story that its great but I don't have many fans.  My story is almost at its end and I only have a few really dedicated fans and I love them! They know who they are.  I really do hope that my story wins an award though.  I think it'll be really awesome if I win!

9) Which of your fans do you talk to the most?

The fan that I talk to the most is Joneskelly101.  We became really close friends and we talk to each other almost every day.  We even exchanged numbers and we text sometimes, which goes to show that Wattpad is a pretty safe place.  We have a lot of things in common and she helps me with my story sometimes when I go on a rant about what I plan to happen next in the story.  She's really great and a talented writer.  I love her stories and I like how I can just text her when I need advice or I need to tell her something that happened at school.  She's always there and it broadens your group of friends.  I actually talk to most of my fans and they are really great people and they are also people who share my passion for writing :)

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