Interview with Lightning_wizard!

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Here's the amazing and magical Lightning_wizard!!

1)How long have you been on Wattpad for?

A few months

2) Do you think you will ever change your username?

I actually already have, I used to be God_of_Electricity

3) How long does it typically take for you to write a chapter for one of your stories?

Depends on quite a few different factors

4)  How come you have so many stories that are unfinished?

I am working on one, I have to stop another because the Hunger Games I was in was cancelled, and the last one my sister is working on.

5) When you get writer's block, do you turn to your fans for ideas?

Depends on if I think any of them can help (I don't want to ask people if it would just inconvenience them)

6) Have you ever based a story off a song?

7) How often do you talk to your fans?

Quite often if they will talk to me

8) Do you have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc?

 No, AND PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

9) How often are you on Wattpad?


10) Do you enjoy school?

Of course... Who doesn't?

11) What do you think are some benifits to being a writer?

You can share your inner-most thoughts, fears, and beliefs and people could just think it was only your character. Plus, I love to get my ideas out there.

12) Have you ever gotten Hate P.M.'s?

No, possibly because I try not to be offensive to people, possibly cause I think I am a nice guy.

13) Do you like the What's Hot list?

I actually haven't looked at any stories that are currently on there. I like stories that may be diamonds in the rough.

14) What genre's do you enjoy the most?

Fantasy, ALL THE WAY!

15) How has Wattpad affected you from before you started?

Yeah, I feel like I am a better writer, and I feel like I have made some really good friends even if I can't physically talk to them.

16) Do you think Wattpad is a safe place for kids under the age of 13 to read and write books?

Depends on what they are reading. I think that if they are reading material that is age appropriate, they are fine. Besides, Wattpad is defended against kids reading material that isn't right for them.

17)Do you have any finished books

No, sadly. BUT I WILL TRY!!!!!

18) Do you think you will be super popular on Wattpad one day?

It all depends. Would I like it? Yeah. Do I need it? No. If my fans want it, then so it shall be!

19) What's your motto?

I got this from That_Odd_Girl: "I am too Positive to be Doubtful. Too Optimistic to be Fearful. Too Determined to be Defeated.

20) Will you be on Wattpad for years to come with more stories?

Of Course. This site is too good to let it fall to the way-side!

Hope that answers all of your questions!!

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