Interview with OpheliacInWonderland!!!

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Interview with the VERY beautiful OpheliacInWonderland! (Sorry it took SO long to post, i have been caught up in some stuff)

1) How long have you been on Wattpad for?

January 12, 2012 however I did have a Wattpad account before then, but I forgot the password so I made a new one >.<

2) Do you think you will ever change your username?

I have considered it once or twice, but this user name is significant to me as I often think in the same way as an Opheliac does, and I absolutely love the real meaning behind Alice In Wonderland, so no I don't think I will change it.

3) How long does it typically take for you to write a chapter for one of your stories?

It depends really, some days I can be totally motivated and write a few but usually it takes me a while to think of something interesting to write before I put it up here. It's important to me that my chapters are worth reading and have something to captivate the readers attention.

4) How come you have so many stories that are unfinished?

Well, I actually only have two unfinished stories at the moment. One is a book of one shots requested by, and written for individual Wattpaders, and I find it hard to come up with different naughty mini-plots sometimes and I don't want to be repetitive so that's why thats slow. My ongoing BoyLove book is well.. Ongoing haha, and it's what I'm concentrating on finishing at the moment. The naughty readers can wait a while ;)

5) When you get writer's block, do you turn to your fans for ideas?

Not really, as I don't actually talk to many people on here. There are one or two fans that give me suggestions here and there, but overall I just find my own way out of the mental block.

6) Have you ever based a story off a song?

No, my stories are mostly either based on my fantasised version of real life events, a twisted version of my own experiences or poetry that reflects my emotions.

7) How often do you talk to your fans?

Not very often, as sometimes I feel like people fan be because they know I'll fan back, not because of my writing. The few individuals who do start a conversation with me with genuine interest make me happy, and I feel more motivated when people are nice to me about my work.

8) Do you have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc?

I do have:

Facebook: Jaay Gaayfacee Williams (don't ask haha)

Twitter: IHeartGirls97

Kik: Jaaydee308

Instagram: JaayWonderland

Just incase anyone would like to add me (:

9) How often are you on Wattpad?

Every day, and sadly I'm not even kidding.. I honestly have the website open on my iPads Internet all the time, and its just easy for me to be able to get back to people as quick as possible and thank any new fans.

10) Do you enjoy school?

I'm in my last year of school (in the UK we finish at 16) so I'm glad it's almost over with. I never liked and still don't like school. It's just a place full of bad memories about being bullied because of my sexuality and my own issues. I dislike school so much because here we have to wear a strict uniform and aren't really allowed to express ourselves and our individuality through the way we dress or look. I just about get away with my stretched ears because they're only a 6mm but they made me take my lip ring out. This is a Christian school too, so there is no Gay Straight Alliance here and teachers tend to ignore homophobic comments and taunting :/

11) What do you think are some benefits to being a writer?

Well, as a writer I am able to express my current feelings through my work that others may or may not be able to relate to. It's also good to help better your own vocabulary and explore the endlessness of your imagination. It's good to get creative!

12) Have you ever gotten Hate P.M.'s?

Not really no, and I'm really glad that no one dislikes me enough to do that (:

13) Do you like the What's Hot list?

I've been on Wattpad for a while now, and I don't really tend to use the list to find books that I might enjoy. I think it's a good idea yes, and it gives writers on here something to aim for, however it's not where I go to look for books that might be of interest to me.

14) What genre's do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy a good vampire story yes, but it really irritates me when writers just basically copy Twilight or other popular vampire novels and claim it to be original (unless it's a fanfic of course). But really, you won't believe how many vampire story writers have at least one 'silver Volvo' in their story. But yes, I love a nice sexy captivating vampire story. I also love BoyLove stories of course! But mainly ones with an interesting plot that's not just all about the naughty stuff hehe.

15) How has Wattpad affected you from before you started?

It's given me more confidence with my writing definitely! And it's helped me find something I want to be good at, as I really try my best so that readers can enjoy my work. Wattpad has helped me meet people who I can relate to in more than one way, and I have made one or two really nice friends on here too (:

16) Do you think Wattpad is a safe place for kids under the age of 13 to read and write books?

Yes definitely, as long as they steer clear from stories aimed at adults or young adults they'll be fine. It's a brilliant place to get started with writing especially if it's a hobby and you'd like to show others your stories.

17) Do you have any finished books?

I have quite a few yes, I have one finished (in need of editing) BoyLove book, a few poetry books and another about a mental illness. 

18) Do you think you will be super popular on Wattpad one day?

I really hope so, though if that ever does happen I'll always be thankful to those who read my stories. They are my motivation (:

19) What's your motto?

I don't really have one, but my advice is to be who you want to be, and be open minded because imagination is the key to a whole new world that only you can rule.

20) Will you be on Wattpad for years to come with more stories?

I'll be on here for as long as Wattpad continues to exist, which I hope will be forever! (:

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