Interview with Fallzswimmer a.k.a Ali!

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THe most amazing Fallzswimmer!!!!!!! :)

1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how safe do you think Wattpad is for children 13 and under?

  I don't think that Wattpad is a dangerous place at all. Yes, children could be exposed to some more risky material, but that's why there is a rating system on stories. If I had to pick one aspect of the website that might be unacceptable for children is the chat system. You never really know who you're talking to, but that can apply to all Wattpad members whether they are 12 and under or not. The main reason that Wattpad has the age rule, is because they legally have to be in compliance with the Children Online Privacy Protection Act.

2) What interests you more, reading, or writing?

 That truly is a really hard question to answer. I was a huge bookworm when I was a kid. My shelves were filled with every Magic Tree House and Nancy Drew books. I fell in love with writing, because I enjoyed reading so much. The best part of reading is that authors can take you away from reality into an unknown world just with their words. I want to be a published author and be able to create that same experience for my readers. However, if there was some awesome job where all I had to do was read books, that would be pretty sweet too.

3) How often do you typically update chapters of your stories?

  Not often enough. I think people are under the impression that I am a fast updater because of Walter Boys. Not true at all. I was just able to upload fast because I already had the chapters written out. Lately I have been forcing myself to upload that story once a week now that I have run our of pre-written chapters. My other stories don't get as much attention, so probably every other week. Sometimes if I have really bad writers block it can last longer then that, but that always makes me feel bad.

4) What is your reaction when you see one of your stories has moved up on the What's Hot List?

  Well, my stories move up and down the What's Hot list all the time, so it doesn't really phase me anymore. However, being on the first page always makes me nervous, because then I know that people are reading my work and judging it. The first time my story made it in the top 50 I was shocked that it had been noticed so fast. That was pretty soon after I joined Wattpad. I have my lovely fans who followed me from Quizilla to thank for that. The first time my story made it on the popular page on Quizilla I flat out freaked. It was my birthday and I was so happy.

5) How often are you on Wattpad daily?

 Yes, way too much. I'm in college so we can have a laptops in class, which is really bad. Wattpad is definitely a distraction.

6) Do you write rough drafts of your stories?

I write plot outlines for my stories before I start writing. I also write a rough draft of the chapter, but that doesn't always help me catch mistakes. I have recently found a few editors to help me with that.  

7) Have you ever thought of doing a story with another Wattpad member or a group?

 Well, people have asked me to write stories with them. Currently I don't have time to do that. But it might be something fun to do in the future when I have finished some of my work.

8) Do you think any of your stories will win The Watty Awards?

 Gosh I hope so. I think that Walter Boys has a good chance for the humor category, but there are a lot of awesome authors out there too. I don't think my other stories will win anything, but it would be cool if they made it into the second round.

9) Which of your fans do you talk to the most?

 My sister Peyton if that counts. She was the first person to ever read Walter Boys. She liked the story so much that she got a  Wattpad account so she could write her own story too. I also talk to KIAROX a lot. She is one of my editors. Then there is also Safiaa56. I always love talking to her because we have gone through some of the same struggles in life

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