Back to Hogwarts (Again)

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Harry's POV:

It was finally time. The moment I'd waited 11 years for. My eldest son is going to Hogwarts!

"James do you have everything you need?!" Hermione screamed through the house at our eldest son.

It was the night of August 31st and James was about to go to Hogwarts for the first time in his life. "Yeah I've got everything!" He yelled back.

Albus came running in. "Don't leave! I don't wanna be stuck with Lily, Sage, and JJ all year!" Albus whined.

"I'm sorry bud, but me and Kinsley gotta go. You'll live and plus next year you and Jay get to go with us!" James pointed out.

Albus looked disappointed. He walked out to go to his own room across the hall and shut the door immediately.

"Look, please try to hangout with your brother for the rest of the night when you're done packing. Ok?" I asked him.

He nodded before heading across the hall to ask Al to splay video games with him.

I walked towards me and Hermione's bedroom to find her and Lily sitting on the bed playing checkers. Lily was 6 now and she was finally in the stage where you didn't have to let her win games anymore.

"Lils, James and Albus are playing video games if you wanna go watch or play." I pointed out before laying down in bed.

She ran out giggling and I felt Hermione come lay right next to me.

"Uh oh. I know this attitude, what's wrong?" She asked carefully. I flipped over to face her. "I'm worried about him and Kinsley. You know how tough things were for us. I don't want them to ever go through that, and before you think I'm being crazy Avery agrees with me!" I said worriedly.

"Oh Harry." She said gently, cupping my face with her hand.

I leaned into her touch and gently closed my eyes. I felt her kiss my forehead. "Harry... they're gonna be ok. He's gone. Gone for good and if anyone tris to touch any of the kids they'll have to go through Mcgonagall first." She reminded gently.

I nodded. "Now I'm gonna go to bed and so are you, and if something goes wrong this year I won't make you send him back." She said calmly as she grabbed her wand to turn off the lights.

I decided to try and go to bed, but instead of the warm embrace of sleep I was up all night worried that our kids might have to relive our past.

Hermione's POV:

By the time I woke up I could feel Harry staring at me. I felt so awful. I mean I knew he was worried but I didn't know he was this worried.

"Honey." I said sleepily. He looked up at me, eyes alert.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" I asked as I got up to get in the shower. He shook his head. "Babe." I said sternly.

"You need to calm down. We were all 11 going to Hogwarts once and he's really excited about this, so you need to put on a brave face and walk him to the train and tell him how much fun he will have." I said before stripping down and hopping in the shower.

"Hermione what if he has to go through what we did! I mean we didn't prepare him for that." He confided.

I didn't reply till I got out and when I did he was sitting their with his head in his hands. "Babe if you focus on the 'What if's' in life you'll miss everything. And beside he has it way better than you did and Voldemort is gone and no one is gonna hurt him. Your sister will make sure of that. If it makes you feel any better Mattheo said she has breakdowns all the time even thinking about her kids having to go through what you two did and I'm sure she's just as worried as you." I attempted to comfort him. It was only 6:30 and I didn't have to wake up the kids till 8:00 at the latest.

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