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Hermione's POV:

It was almost time for the first Quidditch match of the season. Ron was understandably nervous because it was his first ever game on the Gryffindor team. Harry looked ready per usual. And pretty much everyone else was really excited. We were playing against Hufflepuff which wouldn't be so terribly hard but it wouldn't be very easy either.

"Hey Weasel are you scared! I mean your playing against Hufflepuff and they're not that good so head up!" Avery said to Ron trying to make him feel better.

"Oh shut up! Besides why do you care?" Ron said between shoving handfuls down his face.

"Watch yourself Weasel or my wand might just slip, when the game winning goal is being thrown." She said cheerfully sitting down next to me.

"Hey don't threaten him like that!" Lavender squealed clinging onto his arm.

He hugged her back and kissed her sweetly.

I'm so glad he's finally found someone he loves and someone who loves him.

"Only kidding besides I might not even end up going." She said saltier still.

"Why not?" Harry asked quickly. "Well if you must know, Mattheo is going to be there. Also he wants to ask me out either now or later." She said astonishingly quick like she had it all prepared in her head.

"Hey, Aves... Can I talk to you, privately." Matteho said in a sad tone.

"Look Matt if this is about us going out I don't think that it's a very good idea..." She trailed off a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"It's not it's about..." He said pointing to his left forearm. "Oh!" She said understanding dawning on her face.

Mattheo must be a Death Eater now.

She got up quickly. "Bye guys! Good luck today Weasel!" She called over her shoulder as they both sprinted from the hall. "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking... Mattheos a Death Eater!" Harry said before the rest of us can speak. "Of course, love." I said quietly so only Harry could hear. I kissed him on the lips for a long time until finally Ron cleared his throat. "Well if you two love birds are finished." Ron said hurriedly. "I'd like to get to the game early so we're ready when Angelina gets in their." Ron said thinking of how impressed she would be. "I think we have some time but ok." Harry said pointing a couple of seats down where Fred and Angelina were snogging. "Ok we'll let's go you can never be to sure bye Mione!" Ron called getting up and walking away. "Bye, love!" Harry called following Ron. "Bye, love bye Ron good luck!" I called as the girls settled in around me we waited till it was time to head to the match.

Avery's POV:

"Bye guys! Good luck Weasel!" I called over my shoulder to Weasel and Harry as I followed Matteho out of the hall.

"So have you talked to your dad yet." I asked with a sudden serious tone taking over my voice.

"Yes... but..." He trailed off.

"Matt you can tell me we're best friends." I said stopping and grabbing his hand. Suddenly he leaned in and kissed me.

I didn't object even though I knew I should've I cared about him to much just to let him slip away.

When we finally pulled apart he just grinned. "Matteho please tell me what's wrong..." I said quietly.

"Well he said he's very pleased with how well you're doing... he and mum talked to me, Theo, and Enzo they said they're very proud of us." He said quietly.

I hugged him. "I thought you hated hugs?" Said a voice filled with accusation from behind us. "I do Pans but he really needs one his dad told him he wasn't good enough and yelled at him." I said without turning around I knew it was her.

"Oh." Suddenly she was hugging both of us. "I'm so sorry Matt!" She cried squeezing us tighter.

"It's okay Pans." He said softly patting her on the head. I let go and started pacing thinking about why Voldemort would want to talk to them in his free time about how proud he is of us. "Oh Aves one more thing he was upset that you weren't there when he was talking to us. He says there is a special mission just for you." Matteho said delightedly. "Next time I'll be there don't you worry." I said and we started walking down to our common room. "I found them." Pansy said triumphantly going to sit next to Draco. "Finally..." Draco said trailing off from the look I gave him. "Why were you two together?" Rose asked sweetly. "I had to drag her from the hall. She was sitting with the trashy trio of Gryffindors and as we were leaving she wished them luck!" Matteho said outraged.

"Does it matter?!?! At least I'm doing my part what've you done besides sit around and be useless!?!? I've done what I was told to do!" I screamed just as outraged as he was. "I-I-I just thought" He spluttered. "YOU THINK THIS IS EASY! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME AS WELL AS YOU CLAIM IF YOU THINK IM HAVING A GOOD TIME PRETENDING TO LIKE THE PEOPLE THAT ABANDONED ME AND HARRY WHEN WE WERE KIDS!!!!" I screamed I didn't care about his feelings anymore.

"I didn't know okay! I'm sorry!" He yelled back.

"Okay let's calm down and just get this done already." Pansy said loudly. "Fine." I said sternly. "Whatever." Said Mattheo. "Good now lets get started." Pansy said louder still. "Let's just get this over with." I muttered.

Harry's POV

"Hey Angelina." I said with a mocking tone. "Wow you two beat all of us here normally your either late or almost late Harry!" She said with a laugh to me and Ron.

"He's normally late?" Ron asked suspiciously. "Oh yea sometimes not always though." She answered with a shrug as she started to get ready.

After we all got ready it was time to head out. I surprisingly saw Avery sitting up with Hermione cheering us on.

We started off great, Angelina and Katie scored 100 points combined, then Alicia went and scored another 20. Suddenly I saw it the subtle flash of gold out of the corner of my eye.

The Snitch! I thought to myself as I started diving down towards it.

Suddenly there was shouting in the stands and Lee Jordan was screaming "Look at Potter go! He must've seen the Snitch look there it is!" He cried. The next second the Snitch was in my hand. Yes! I thought happily pulling up out of my dive. "HES DONE IT POTTER HAS GOTTEN THE SNITCH AND GRYFFINDOR HAS WON THE MATCH!" Lee screamed over the roaring cheers of the crowd. Gryffindors were swarming the field by now except for Hermione and Avery. They stayed at their spot on the bleachers. I saw Avery get up and walk towards the exit when I met her there she looked upset. "Sis are you okay, what's wrong?" I said when I saw the pained look in her eyes. "I hit my arm on something, and it's umm.... Burning, yea burning!" She said quickly as she walked towards her common room pulling her phone out as she went.

"Bye, bro!" She called.

"Good job today!" She screamed distractedly. "Thanks!" I screamed back and she was gone.

That was weird. I though to myself as my teammates and friends swarmed me.

Sorry for the long chapter! More to come soon, love you guys! ~🍾Avery🍾

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