Long Summer

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Harry's POV:
Now that Voldemort is back no one is safe. And after that Dementor attack earlier today I'm even more worried about my friends and my crush, Hermione Granger.

Though I can't help but be mad that my two long term best friends were hanging out together and had been all summer. It was all I could do to not think about my best friend/crush Hermione. With her long bushy brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, light skin, and perfect style. And then there is my other best friend that I also can't stop thinking about. Ron. With his short blazing red hair, freckled face, light blue eyes, and long lanky body.

My aunt, uncle, and cousin had gone too some convention where uncle Vernon was going to win some dumb reward. And I was left to sulk in my bedroom missing my friends especially Hermione. Suddenly I heard whispering outside my door. So I put my glasses on and listened, then my lock clicked and the door opened. The first person I saw was Professor Moody, "Professor!?!?" I said still unsure if it was actually him or not, "We've come to get you and bring you to headquarters." Moody said. "Tonks help him pack his things." Moody said. After Tonks helped me pack we left on our brooms and flew to headquarters whatever that meant. When we got to headquarters the first person I saw was Mrs. Weasley and believe me I was so relieved. She came up to me and gave me a hug. "Dinner will have to wait till after the meeting, the kids are upstairs third door on the left." She said. Bustling me upstairs and hurrying into the meeting room.

I started up the stairs when I heard someone muttering. Turns out it was a house elf great another reminder about S.P.E.W and Hermione... Before I could even step into the bedroom Hermione had ran over and was in my arms hugging me. "They can't expel you from Hogwarts Harry, they just simply can't. I've looked it up you're aloud to use magic for self defense if necessary." Said Hermione anger sprouting in her voice, "Let the man breathe Hermione gosh." Said Ron clearly upset he didn't make it to the door first. "Hey Mione hey Ron!" I said with obvious excitement even though I was still mad at their unsatisfactory letters all summer.

Though it's hard to stay mad at you best friends for a long time. Just then I heard a pop and Ron's twin older brothers Fred and George were there sitting on the bed, "Hey Harry!" Said the twins in unison. Just then there was a knock on the door and Ron jumped up to open it, "Oh it's you.." He said sounding unsure of himself, "No need to act all happy about it." Said Avery. She was my older sister but cause of her birthday we were in the same year at Hogwarts but she was a Slytherin. We weren't very close we grew up in different houses. She got to live with Professor Lupin. He was proven an unstable parent because of his transformations every month. But instead of going to foster care she ended up with the Malfoy's so we ended up not that close. In fact we hadn't seen each other in six years when we met again at Hogwarts, "The meetings over I just left. Mrs. Weasley said to head down to the kitchens and, make sure you grab Ginny no need for her to get in trouble again for being late to dinner." She said, "What meeting, what's even going on!" I said outraged, "Well the Order of Phoenix of course!" Said Hermione acting as if it was so obvious, "Why weren't you guys in the meeting then?" I asked, "Mum says we're to young!" Said Fred outraged, "But Avery is younger than you two!" I said, "Hey! I may be younger but I was a Death Eater remember. And I have information on what Voldy is planning on doing next!" She said.

Ah yes I forgot she had been a Death Eater. It makes much more sense why she was in the order now. Well at least now I was with my friends. We went down stairs for dinner and you won't believe who I saw.

Lemme know what you guys think of the first chapter of His Cheerleader. Comment if you would like another chapter.

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