Honesty and Lies

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Hermione's POV:

"Alright so here's what I know..." She stopped suddenly her blue eyes with a thoughtful look in them.

"Since Voldemorts return he's been trying to get younger kids preferably students here to work as Death Eaters." She said in a low quick voice. "Any luck so far?" Harry asked curiously. "No. Nobody wants to get wrapped up in all of this and all the Death Eaters don't want their kids working for him. I mean even my parents don't want Draco working for him." She said surprised.

She started twisting her blonde hair on her finger putting it into knots. "Be careful or you'll knot your hair!" I said exasperatedly.

"It's whatever! My hair is the least of my concerns." She said doubtfully.

I gave her a hug. She needed it and she definitely deserved it. "Don't listen to Ron I think you've been a great sister, I mean protecting Harry all of these years! We all know that isn't easy!" I whispered to her so only she could hear.

"Anything else?" Harry asked expectantly. "Ummm yea... Mattheo, Theo, and Enzo are all Voldemort's and Bellatrix's kids." She said quietly.

"Wow that's surprising!" Ron said loudly. "Shhhhhh Weasel someone will hear us!" Avery hissed at him.

"Well their last name is Riddle, so I guess it makes sense." Harry said barely loud enough for all of us to hear.

"I mean I already knew that, but still it's new info for you guys!" Avery said with a laugh.

"So what are they doing here spying on us?" I asked with a laugh. "No they came to Hogwarts for magical training like everyone else does, they don't wanna be like their parents." She stated a little higher than her normal voice.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure cause you don't seem like it?" He asked doubtfully.

"Yes, yes I am." She said her voice returning to normal.

"Are you okay you don't seem like yourself?" Ron asked sincerely. "I'm fine Weasel!" She snapped.

"It's just been a lot-" She stopped suddenly clapping her hands over her mouth as if she had said too much. "What's been a lot?" Ron asked in a sincere sounding voice. "Keeping the act up for my parents, pretending that I want to be near them etc. you know it's just so hard." She stated a weary tone taking over her voice.

"Why do you even try? I mean if you hate them what's the point that's never gonna change!" I said matching her tone.

"Ok, anything else?" Harry asked quietly. "Umm nope! That's all!" She said in a high pitch voice as she turned around and started walking away.

"That was weird." Said Ron. "Yea..." Me and Harry both agreed.

Ginny's POV:

Three days later.

"Hey Gin!" Said a familiar sounding voice. I turned around to see my best friend Luna Lovegood coming towards me.

"Hey Luna!" I said in a happy voice. "Someone seems happy." She stated simply sitting down next to me.

"We'll if you must know me and Deans first date last night went amazing!" I said remembering how perfect it was. "What'd you guys do?" Luna asked intrigued. "We had a nice little picnic on the lawn outside." I said dreamily.

"That sounds wonderful!" Luna replied in her wispy voice. "It really was." I said still thinking about how great it went.

Avery's POV:

I was suddenly pushing through crowds of people trying to get back to the dungeons. More people went to this school than I thought. I thought to myself curiously.

"Hey Aves!" Said happy-ish sounding voice. I turned and saw Pansy who still looked upset about the days before.

"Hey Pans!" I said gleefully sitting down next to her.

"How's your week been going?" She asked excitedly. I wasn't really sure how to answer that. "It's been... okay." I stated wearily.

"Are you ok? You don't look so good." She asked in a worried voice. "I'm fine Pans." I said with a laugh.

"Ok lemme know if you start to feel sick. I'll take you back to the common room." She said in a caring voice. "Thanks Pans." I said in a flat voice.

"Anytime." She said generously. "Anytime." I repeated over and over in my head.

Harry's POV:

As we walked upstairs to change before the party I was running over our conversation in my mind.

"Aves didn't look so good? Do you think she's sick?" Hermione asked in a caring tone. "Maybe. It might be her lack of sleep though." Ron said quietly.

We all stopped. "Lack of sleep!" I asked hurriedly. I mean she was my sister after all and I loved her. "Yeah I heard her talking about it with her friends apparently it's nightmares that are keeping her up at night..." Ron said doubtfully trailing off.

"That's why she always looks so drained!" Hermione said my love was so smart.

"Yea it is and it's called insomnia Granger not drained." A sour voice stated.

Thanks for reading this chapter! As always I love you guys and thanks for reading! Lemme know any ideas you have for new chapters!

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