Back to Hogwarts

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Avery's POV:

Ahh finally it's time to go back to Hogwarts. I get to see my friends again, and tell them about my new nightmares.

The only bad part is I have to see Umbridge again. Eugh!

"Kids come on now or we'll be late!" Mrs. Weasley called from the hallway. I grabbed my trunk and rushed to where she stood.

"I'm ready to go." I said with a quick smirk.

"Y'know you have the same smirk as your father." Lily said thoughtfully.

"Oh goody." I said sarcastically. By now everyone had made it down the stairs. "Alright let's go!" Mrs. Weasley said happily.

We all piled into the car. We made it to Kings Cross Station at quarter till 11:00.

"We're going to miss you all so much!" Mrs. Weasley said giving each kid a hug. She stopped right in front of me and whispered, "Lemme know if you need anything okay?" She smiled warmly.

"Okay..." I muttered. She hugged me and then walked away.

James and Lily stood unsure of themselves a few feet away. I waved goodbye as I ran off towards Mattheo, Draco and Theo.

"Hey guys!" I said excitedly giving each of them a quick up-and-down.

They all looked good. The same. Then Pansy ran up behind me. "Hi!!!!" She said in her happy voice.

"Hi." I muttered calmly. "What! They get your full energy and I get a weak little 'Hi.' come on!" She screeched.

"Hi!" I said in a rude tone. "No seriously what's up with you?" She asked in a considerate voice. "Oh something must be up because I'm not speaking 'correctly' towards you, Right?!" I challenged angrily.

She looked shocked. Terrified. Or maybe appalled. Perhaps.

I didn't care. I realized that I wasn't gonna waste my time being nice to people who didn't deserve my kindness. "Wow. Somebody's rude." She spit sourly.

I just ignored her and walked onto the train.

They all went to sit in their compartment while we went to the prefect carriage.

"What're you doing?! We don't have to sit here anymore they just wanted to assign us our duty's the first time!" Draco yelled fiercely.

"If it gets me away from Pansy, I'll go anywhere." I said furiously.

Then I heard crying behind us. "Shit. She must've heard you!" Mattheo whispered as we walked into the compartment.

"Why're you even so pissed at her anyway?" Draco questioned calmly.

"Because I heard from Heather who heard from Rose who heard from Astoria that Pansy was talking shit about me over break." I said in one breath.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down, you heard what from who?!" Mattheo said sounding confused.

"Ugh! Try to keep up this time will ya?! Heather told me that Pansy was talking shit about me! Did ya get it this time?!" I said angrily.

"Jeez! Don't get so pissed with us we're not the ones who were talking shit about you!" Draco enthused. "Right. Sorry. Pansy is just so much drama." I said with a heavy sigh.

"It's fine. Hey! I have an idea! What if we go and grab Theo to make this a real OG party?" Mattheo said excitedly.

"That's your idea?" I said judgmentally. He made his fake offended look. "Stop it! You know I hate it when you make that look!" I said hitting him on the head.

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