Chapter Thirteen: Escaping Elysium

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Percival: "Between that exploding shield of Aqua's and my attack just now we've barely put a dent in their numbers. I hope that attack of yours keeps those damn hybrids down long enough for us to at least make it to the fountain."
Owin: "We only have a few minutes before the effects wear off and we still have the golems to attend to, use this time to ready yourselves!" Ryo walked up beside Owin and picked up a pair of swords off one of the dead hybrids Percival had just struck down, he swung them around smiling.

Ryo: "Yes these will do nicely, I think it's time I show you guys exactly what I'm capable of." He extended his arms out to his sides and began to glow with a blue aura. "Divine Dance, Azure!" Water had then formed around Ryo, he dashed forward slicing down some of the dazed hybrids one by one. Arwen then took off after him, her bruxa claws out, cutting down a few of them herself. The hybrids soon started to come out of their daze, getting back onto their feet, they looked at Owin angrily hissing at him.
Owin: "Aqua, I need you to bottleneck them somehow, Percival stay here and watch her back, and Luke you're with me, you'll be my supporter." The army started their advance once again as Owin ran forward into the crowd, slicing the hybrids down with Luke in tow. Aqua began to glow with a red aura as the wind around her started to blow and she floated up into the air. Percival planted his sword into the ground and a large glyph appeared under him. The power of the glyph was so strong that it repelled the opposing force back.

Percival: "How about I shake things up a bit?" He then started to chant a spell. "Gods of the Earth grant me your power, to defeat my enemies in this dark hour, make the ground beneath their feet crumble and break, crush my foes with Titans Quake!" The ground then began to shake causing the enemy troops to lose their balance as the earth broke open beneath them. Those who didn't fall into the now large hole Percival had created were impaled by large sharp pointed stalagmites that had erupted from the ground. The hybrids and golems were still making an advance towards them however, he then looked up into the sky at Aqua who was now preparing her own spell.

Aqua: "I invoke the power of Thyhena, Goddess of Thunder. Rain your power down from the heavens and strike down these abominations before they bring harm to the innocent!" Just then black storm clouds had formed above her and strong electrical currents started to form within them. Bolts of lightning then began to rain down from the clouds striking down every enemy within Aqua's sight. But then out of nowhere a strong force of energy had come out of the clouds hitting Aqua, knocking her back causing her to lose focus of her targets. She then looked to where the attack came from and there floating not too far from her was Isis.

Isis: "I have had it up to here with you Aqua Moonfall! For years now you've done nothing but be a burden to me! Why don't you just die already!" She flew forward, her hands extended out reaching for Aqua who also had her hands extended grabbing onto Isis's. Raw power was emanating from both of the witches causing massive shockwaves, knocking back the opposing forces.

Aqua: "You're much weaker then I remember, you must be losing your touch at your frail old age Isis."

Isis: "Curse you! I am the Right Hand of the Emperor of Zemor! I am the strongest magic wielder in all the land!"

Aqua: "The strongest? Ha! I don't know who you're kidding Isis, but you are far from being the strongest. If you were, you would've been recognized by the Mage's Council and not wallowing in some magical pocket dimension creating illegal experiments."

Isis: "Those experiments are exactly what makes me the strongest! I was able to create perfect hybrids, a feat that was never before achieved!"
Aqua: "And at what cost Isis? I can only imagine the amount of dark magic that you used to create them and with each evil spell you mutter the further into darkness you fall!" Isis began to laugh as the energy around her turned pitch black.

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