Part 21

17 1 0

Y/n's POv:

After i left Hogwarts i went all around the world. Every now and then i would send a letter telling everyone i was ok and that i was safe. 

One day i was chilling in my hotel room and i got a knock on the door. I went to go open it and when i did i saw Harry. ' what are you doing here?' I said as i hugged him. ' Hogwarts needs your help.' Is all he said before teleporting us to somewhere i didn't know. 

'Where are we?' I asked. Harry explained where we were and he said that we where Dumbledore's brothers home and said that there was a tunnel, we were going to use to get into Hogwarts. I nodded along every now and then until he was finished explaining. Once he was finish Dumbledore's brother sent a girl in a portrait to go and find a Gryffindor. When she arrived the portrait swung opened and we crawled inside. 

When we got out of the tunnel we were in the room of requirements and everyone gave me some weird looks since most the students in there were Gryffindor's.  Harry was talking to someone when all the students had to go to the great hall. 

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I put on some Gryffindor robes to blend in and we went with everyone. Hogwarts had defiantly changed since i left. Well for starters Dumbledore isn't the headmaster anymore. It felt weird walking to the great hall again.

When everyone got to the great hall they were in rows in there houses. Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione were still blending in with the Gryffindors. 

I looked around the room to see if i could see any of my old friends. I found, Pansy, Blaise, Grabbe and Goyal but no Draco. I was kinda sad bout that. 

Snape was the new headmaster and he start talking and i noticed that there were death eaters standing around. As i was listening to Snape i heard him say something about me and Harry being in the school and if anyone had seen us they were to step forward. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowd. Pansy suddenly yelled ' There they are somebody grab them. Professor Mcgonigal l then stood Infront of us and other Gryffindor's did the same. 

Snape and Mcgonigal then started to dual and as Snape blocked the spells he made them hit the death eaters. He then flew out of one of the windows and people cheered for Mcgonigal. Mcgonigal then sent the Slytherins to the dungeons and Harry told her that Voldemort was on his way for battle. 

Everyone was sent to do something and i headed to the astronomy tower to watch as Voldemort and his death eaters arrive. As i stood there waiting with my wand in hand i heard something behind me so i turned around. To my surprise Draco was standing there. I think he was a bit shocked because he didn't know that it was me straight away.

To break the silence i said ' Hi.' He said hi back was still very shocked until he said ' You shouldn't be here.' I asked him why and he said ' Because Voldemort wants you dead.' I figured he might say something on the lines of that. i told him that i know and that's when i saw what was on his arm. ' Draco please tell me you didn't.' i said as walked over to get a better look. All he said was that he was sorry and then left. 

The battle had begun and i was fighting a death eater at the top of the astronomy tower i was almost about to fall from the edge when another death eater showed up. I casted a spell and one of them did as well and it knocked me back. All of a sudden i could feel that i was falling. I screamed for help and that's when i suddenly felt arms around my waist. I looked to see who had cacthed me and i saw that it was Draco. I gave him a smile and he placed me on the ground and flew away on his brome again. All around me people were fighting. I started to dual a death eater again. Everyone heard ' Harry Potter is dead.' Everyone stopped fighting and went out to the destroyed court yard. Hagrid had Harry in his arms and he did look dead. Tires started to fall down my checks. Ginny tried to run to Harry but someone held her back. Voldemort looked around and locked eyes with me and said ' Look who it is, the other potter twin.' I glared at him and he started walking towards me and i said ' You might have killed my brother but i will not let you kill me and i think everyone else here agrees with me.' As i said this i pointed around at people. All of a sudden he casted a spell at me and i blocked it. He fired another one, i blocked. Then i casted a spell and he blocked this went back and fourth until Harry all of a sudden rolled out of Hagrid's arms and found a wand. Voldemort then turned to him but didn't take his full attention off of me. I then made my way and walked over to stand next to Harry. Voldemort then started to talk but i wasn't listening i was more thinking about how i should cast a spell. Then Harry and Voldemort casted a spell so i quickly casted one as well. Voldemort casted the killing curse, Harry and i  did Expelliarmus. Me and Harry got the upper hand and used all our might to defeat Voldemort. Eventually our spell made Voldemort crumble and float away.

We did it we defeated Voldemort. 

Everyone around us either cheered or teleported out of Hogwarts. I noticed Draco standing a bit back with a small smile on his face. His mother then walked up to him and whispered something in his ear. He then turned to walk away so i quickly ran over to him. I yelled ' Draco wait.' He turned around and i kissed his lips. He straight away kissed back and smiled into the kiss. I guess he has been wanting this for a while.

When we pulled apart i quickly whispered ' Write to me.' Whit a smile on my face as he got pulled away by his father. 

I walked back over to Harry and joined the crowd we all celebrated. 

Word count: 1109 words

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