Part Fourteen

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When i woke up i was in Draco's arms, I looked up at his face to see that he as already awake. 'Morning.' HE said i smiled. we both got up and got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Once we were done eating we head back upstairs and made sure we had everything packed. We both had everything packed so we took our stuff downstairs and left for Kings Cross Station.

When we got to the station we found platform 9. Running through the wall made me happy. Probably because i don't have to see the Dursley's for a while. When we got through to platform 9 3/4 we got on the train and found seats. We were the first of our friend group to get on the train so we got to choose were we sat. After about 5 minutes Pansy and Blaise joined us. We told each other what we did over the summer and just caught up. The train left at 11am and we were off to Hogwarts for our 4th year.

When the trolly lady came around we all got something. As we were getting our stuff Cedric came after the trolly and tried to have a conversation with me but i didn't want to so i went back and sat down. Draco came and sat next to me and put his arm around me. Cedric's face had a look of sadness i guess he still likes me. 

For the rest of the train ride we talked and laughed. We got changed into our robes before we got to Hogwarts. When we got to Hogwarts we went over to the carages and found an empty one. Crabbe and Goyal joined us in our carage and we started our way to the doors of Hogwarts. When we got to the doors we headed inside and took our seats at the Slytherin table. Draco had told me that there was something big happening at Hogwarts this year but he didn't know what. 

We continued to talk until Dumbledore shushed us. Before we could eat we had to watch the first years get sorted into there houses. As the first years were getting sorted it reminded me of last year when i got sorted. Once they were all sorted Dumbledore made a speech and then the dinner appeared.  Since it was the start of a new year we had what others call the great feast. They were not joking either the food was amazing and there was a lot more then usual. Once we were done eating we thought that we could just go back to the common room but Dumbledore got up to make another speech. His speech was ' This year we are lucky enough to host something that hasn't happened in years. The Tri Wizard Tournament. Some of the rules have been changed because it is a very dangerous tournament. One of the rules is your have to be over the age of 17.' When Dumbledore said this a lot of people didn't like this idea and started yelling things out. 

Dumbledore continued to talk and when he was finished we all headed back to the common room. Since me and Pansy were both pretty tired, we headed up to our dorm. We sat i our dorm talking about the tournament. Mainly about the Yule Ball that Dumbledore said would be held the night of Christmas eve. We were both lucky enough to have boyfriends so we would probably just go with them. After a while of talking we went to bed.

On the other schools that were competing in the tournament came to the school everyone made sure the school was perfect.  I was excited to see people from different schools. The two schools were called Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. Durmstrang was a school that only aloud boys to go and Beauxbatons was a school that only girls were aloud to go.

Everyone was sitting in the great hall and waiting for the other schools to make an entrance. First the girls and there headmistress from Beauxbatons came in first. The girls were all gorgeous. After they finish they went and sat at the Ravenclaw table. Next the Durmstrang boys came in with there headmaster. When they were making there entrance one of the boys who I recognize as Victor Krum gave me a smile. When they were finished they came and sat at our table. Before Victor sat down he looked at me. I wonder if Draco saw.

Before dinner Dumbledore made a welcoming speech to the two schools and explained how the tournament would work.

After dinner everyone headed towards the doors of the great hall. Me and the others all decide to just go and hang out in our common room. Before we got to the doors of the great hall I noticed Victor trying to get to me. We got out the great hall before he could get to me and we headed for our common room.

We stayed in the common room for the rest of the night.

Word count: 852 words

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