Part Five

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It's a Monday today which means I have classes. The classes I have today are Transfiguration, Herbology and Divination. I got a free period between transfiguration and Herbology which is good. I didn't have any classes with Draco which was unfortunate but I have some with Pansy's and others. 

Before classes, we went to breakfast where we had pancakes. I was sitting next to Draco and we were talking about what we were going to do in our free period and after classes. ' So how about we go for a walk around the black lake together?' Draco suggested, ' I like that idea,' I said with a smile on my face. The smile didn't stay for long because my brother came over. ' Hey y/n could i speak to you... alone?' Harry asked. ' Fine but i don't have long, i have to get to transfiguration.' Harry started of by saying that he still thinks I shouldn't hang around Draco but to the end of what he had to say was, ' and the last thing i have to say is, i can see the way you look at Draco and i don't like it. So don't you think about dating him.' ' Whatever Harry and i will do what i want and not what you want.' i answered kinda mad. He left but not before rolling his eyes. 

I headed to transfiguration after Harry had talked to me about him thinking i shouldn't be friends with Draco.  I hated transfiguration because I didn't have any friends in this class. So, I end up sitting alone at the back of the class. Once I got to the classroom i headed for my seat in the back and waited for Professor McGonigal to come into the class.  She came into class right on time and started teaching because I didn't like this class i just drew in my book like I tend to do in a lot of my class. Surprisingly I still have good grades. 

Once class was done i headed to the tree that me and Draco always meet up at. Draco was already there waiting while he was eating an apple. When he saw me walking towards him, he walked over to me and said hi. we went and sat under the tree and talked about the class we had before. Draco had History of Magic and he told me about how his teacher fell asleep halfway through the class and everyone had a challenge going of who can wake the professor by chucking a paper ball at him. 

Draco's Pov:

I was currently sitting under our tree and was telling her about what happened in History of magic. I told her everything except one thing and that was instead of seeing who won the challenge of waking up the professor I was talking to Blaise about y/n. To be honest I think we are getting really close and that i think we might be a bit closer than friends. One more then, I think i might like her.  I am not going to tell her that though. 

Y/n's Pov: 

Draco finished talking and looked like he was thinking of something. I didn't question it but i tried to get his attention. It worked and he asked how my class went i told him what happened, and he said, ' Well that must have been boring,' told him it was. we checked the time and realized we needed to go to classes. We got up and hugged and walked the opposite ways.  I turned around and watched him walk away once i couldn't see him i headed to my own class. 

Once i got to herbology i was greeted by Pansy and Blaise and we went to go to our spot. We talked until the professor got to class and then we started to learn. Professor Sprout asked a lot of questions and this boy named Neville answered all of them and earned his house 10 points. I thought that it was kind of cute how entertained by the subject he was. Anyway, the class continued and i worked with Pansy and Blaise we made a good team. 

When Herbology was over i headed to Divination. I had this class with a friend i made. She wasn't in Slytherin instead she was in Hufflepuff, and her name was Lucy. She was a kind but smart girl. 

Once class had started, we were looking at tea leaves in teacups. Lucy was reading mine and if i was honest she was really good in this class. Professor Trelawney came over to see how we were doing, and Lucy was telling me what she was seeing. 'I can see here that you are going to have a good life and soon you are going to find love.  I also see here that you are having problems at home, and it is going to end soon.' Professor Trelawney grabbed the cup to check for herself and she said ' My dear girl you have the eye of the future and you have read the tea leaves perfectly. 5v points to Hufflepuff.' Lucy said thank you and Professor Trelawney moved onto the next group.

The class ended and i couldn't stop thinking about what Lucy read about me in the tea leaves.  Who will be the one that i am said to fall in love with? I don't know why but i just couldn't stop thinking about it. I got to the Great Hall for dinner and i went over to where the others were sitting and sat down. I was still thinking about divination class when Draco spoke to me. ' What are you thinking about there?' ' What? ohh just something that happened in divination.' i said. Draco didn't ask any more and just continued eating. 

We were finished eating and we headed to the common room where we sat around trying sweats from Honeydukes. It was great fun. I am glad i have found friends that are similar to me. I am still thinking about what happened in divination so i thought of a plan.

The plan is see if Lucy can read into it anymore and i will completely understand if she can't but it is worth a try, isn't it? Well anyway i will ask her tomorrow because it is getting late. 

Author's Note: 

5 parts down and i have no clue how many more i will write. so please keep on reading and i hope you like the story.

Word Count: 1096 Words.

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