Carrie & Mantis Relationship

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Headcanon 29

Although Carrie isn't extremely close to mostly the Guardians Of The Galaxy like she is with the Avengers or the X-Men, there is one member of the guardians that she's mostly friends with and that is Mantis. It's no surprise since Mantis is an empath and always connects to and understands Carrie's feelings on a deeper level, especially when she's still healing from what she has went through in the past.

One time, Carrie was having a bad panic attack and Mantis came to her rescue and helped calm her down with her powers, Carrie appreciated that from her and thanked her for it.

Mantis finds Carrie to be a lovely young lady with a sad past that she's trying to heal from still and Carrie thinks Mantis is such a sweet, nonjudgemental being who she considers one of her very good friends.

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