Chapter 42

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Oakheart ran through the snow. It dragged at his paws as he sprinted towards Sunningrocks. The snow was slowing him down, and the blizzard battered his face. It's only Leaf-fall, but this is the most snow I've seen in moons!

A cold gale shoved Oakheart down, pressing his muzzle into the snow. He sneezed and stood to his paws, seeing his own breath circling around his face. He hoped the freezing temperatures hadn't stopped Bluefur from bringing their kits to Sunningrocks. We can't put this off any longer.

Bursting through the reeds, Oakheart tried to stop himself. However, the slushy shore of the river pulled his paws out from under him, causing him to slide and slam onto the ice. Luckily, the collision only left the ice with a small crack. He was able to drag himself the rest of the way to the opposite shore.

"Bluefur!" Oakheart called, his nose stinging as he inhaled the frigid air. The darkness limited his vision, and he could only see the outline of the snowy boulders ahead. No response came from the stones, so he moved forward to investigate.

"Bluefur?" Oakheart called again, frantically searching for the she-cat. Any pawprints the blue-gray warrior might have left would have been covered by snow. The cold would make it impossible to differentiate her scent from the other ThunderClan warriors.

Sitting down, Oakheart forced himself to take a deep breath. I'll just have to wait for her. He knew Bluefur hadn't given up on their plan. She was a perseverant cat, and he was sure she would be determined to keep their kits safe. The idea calmed him and allowed him to rest for just a moment.

However, as time went on, he began to grow worried. Did something go wrong? He hoped that Bluefur would arrive soon, but after what felt like moons of waiting, he began to doubt it. I should go look for her.

Glancing into the forest, Oakheart blinked the snow out of his eyes. It was dark and foreboding, but he had to see if Bluefur was coming. If she isn't, I don't want to sit out in the cold for much longer. So, standing to his paws, he stepped off of the boulder and made his way into the blackness of ThunderClan's forest.

The thorns of the undergrowth ripped at Oakheart's pelt, but he was numb to the pain. He could barely feel his paws as he gingerly stepped through the bracken. Soon, he entered a moon-lit clearing where the snow sparkled brightly. With the added light, he was able to see a figure in the dark of the forest.

At first, when Oakheart squinted his eyes, he suspected that the shape was merely a stone. However, upon stepping forward, he realized that it had a bluish tint. Is that Bluefur?

I found her! Filled with excitement, Oakheart rushed forward through the snow. However, before he could reach her, he stopped abruptly. The strong, unmistakable scent of disease washed over his nose. She didn't tell me she was sick.

She needs my help! Oakheart realized, rushing forward. "Bluefur, I'm so relieved I found you!" As she lay in the snow, he ran to her side and placed a paw on her shoulder. He instantly flinched away, stumbling back. Why is she so cold?

"Bluefur?" Oakheart asked desperately. When no response came, he moved back to the she-cat's side and stood over her, examining her. He leaned down and found himself staring into her cold, cloudy eyes.

She's dead! Oakheart lurched back. His eyes widened with horror as the blizzard strengthened, blowing away a layer of snow near the she-cat's paws. Beside her were three tiny bodies, each one with ice covering their backs.

"No," Oakheart whispered to himself. Freezing tears began to form in his eyes as he laid beside Bluefur. "No!" He shouted louder, his voice wracked with grief. He curled up beside Bluefur's body, hoping to feel even a small patch of warmth in her pelt. However, she was cold and still like a stone at the bottom of the river.

Scooping up each of the kits in his paws, Oakheart held them close to himself. He sobbed into the snow, digging his muzzle into the fur around Bluefur's neck. He pulled the kits to his chest, warming their freezing bodies. The wind was loud in his ears, blocking out the sound of his own crying. He lay with Bluefur, thinking not only about himself but also about how ThunderClan would thrive without her.

Oakheart dug his claws into the icy ground. "StarClan, why?" He cried, trembling with sorrow. He squeezed his eyes shut, knowing completely that StarClan hadn't done this. It was all her. It was all Mapleshade.

Suddenly, Oakheart felt something brush against his paw. Willing himself to open his eyes, he glanced down. One tiny kit was clinging to him, shivering at the cold wind.

"Stonekit," Oakheart murmured, holding the gray kit close to himself. "I need to get you back to camp," he realized, struggling to stand.

Casting a glance at Bluefur's body, Oakheart decided, ThunderClan will find her. She deserves to be buried by her Clanmates, with Mistykit and Mosskit.

Raising his head, Oakheart let out an ear-piercing yowl into the canopy of trees above. He channeled all of his grief and frustration into it. He thought of Mapleshade, of Graypool, of his parents, and now, of Bluefur and their daughters. His throat stung, but he couldn't stop shouting into the night. Tears streamed down his face, and his paws were planted firmly in the snow.

Finally, with one last cry, Oakheart lowered his head and stared at his paws. Stonekit was clinging to him, wailing and shivering. Around the reddish tom, the forest was quiet once again. I probably woke up all of ThunderClan, he realized, reaching for Stonekit. Grabbing the kit by the scruff of his neck, he carried him away.

"I'll raise you in RiverClan," Oakheart whispered to the kit, his voice muffled. Stonekit likely couldn't hear him through the blizzard, but he continued. "You will be strong. You will be the strongest warrior in all of the Clans. You've lost so much, but you will live a fulfilling life." He choked out one last line with a deep, long sigh. "I promise."

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