Chapter 33

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Following the shadows of the trees, Oakheart crossed RiverClan territory. Only the light of the moon guided his paws. He utilized a path between the reeds, using it to navigate closer to the river. He could hear the water now, bubbling at the shore and rushing as it divided him and ThunderClan territory.

Let's make this leap count. Oakheart sprung forward, soaring over the shore and landing in the center of the river. Urgency tugged at his paws. The moon was high above in the sky, and he already knew he was late.

The river seemed to grow wider as Oakheart swam, expanding and making it challenging to reach the other side. He only moved faster, unsheathing his claws to grab onto the rocks nearby.

Oakheart dug his claws into the stone. It was cold and slippery, but he was able to scramble out of the water. Luckily, the warm breeze was already beginning to clear the dampness from his pelt. As he stepped away from the river, he stopped. The forest is full of thorns. I'll need to be careful.

However, the tom didn't have much time for caution. He closed his eyes as he squeezed under the first bramble. The thorns tugged at his pelt, threatening to rip away clumps of his fur. When he emerged on the other side of the bush, he was relieved that he didn't feel his fur tear.

One by one, Oakheart slinked through the thistles, weaving past the dangerous thorns. How do ThunderClan warriors hunt in this forest? Luckily, he would soon be leaving the tangle of vines and bracken behind him. All that separated him from Fourtrees was one final patch of woodland.

Bursting out of the forest, Oakheart cried out into the darkness, "Bluefur?" I hope she's still here. What if she left thinking I wouldn't come?

"I'm here," a voice from the shadows replied. The she-cat was shrouded in blackness, but her silhouette was enough for Oakheart to recognize her. He ran to Bluefur, nearly tripping over his own paws. He nuzzled her in greeting.

Bluefur purred, her tail resting over her paws. Soon, however, the she-cat moved away. Oakheart felt as if claws had raked him. Is she upset about something? However, as soon as he saw her excited expression, the painful feeling melted away.

Tilting her head, Bluefur gestured to the nearest tree. "Have you climbed a tree before?"

"Of course!" Oakheart laughed. "Just because I'm from RiverClan doesn't mean I didn't learn basic climbing!"

"Then show me," Bluefur sat down, her tail gracefully curling around her.

Oakheart nodded, determination guiding his paws and hardening his gaze. I'll prove to her that I'm strong! Strong enough to be RiverClan's leader! He hesitated as he finished the thought, memories of Mapleshade looming over him. I'll do it without her help, he concluded, running towards the tree trunk and digging his claws into the lowest branch.

Pulling himself onto the branch, Oakheart panted. He shook the dirt off of his pelt. Then, waving his tail, he taunted, "There's no way a cat used to living under the bushes can climb to the top of this tree!"

"You underestimate me," Bluefur remarked from below, grinning and sprinting towards the oak. The reddish tom stumbled back at her sudden burst in speed. Before he fell off of the branch, he steadied himself and reached for the next one.

Using the trunk of the tree, Oakheart was able to climb into the next branch. Bark tumbled down the tree behind him as he reached higher and higher. He could hear Bluefur's paws scrambling as she raced to catch up to him.

Oakheart narrowed his eyes against the wind. It was stronger now that he wasn't shielded by the trees of ThunderClan's territory. As it battered his ears, he realized he could no longer hear Bluefur shifting below him. Stopping on a large branch, he gazed down. Did she fall? Is she okay?

"No RiverClan cat could best a ThunderClan warrior in climbing," a voice sounded from above him. "Remember that."

"I get it," Oakheart sighed, using the last of his energy to lift himself onto the branch above. It shook as he did, making Bluefur scramble towards the thickest part of the branch. Chunks of bark dropped down from the tree. Any light from the moon and the stars was blocked out by the leafy canopy above them.

As Oakheart braced himself against the wind, he felt fur brush against his side. He flinched before feeling a tail rest on his. Without even glancing over his shoulder, he knew Bluefur was beside him.

StarClan, don't let the sun rise, he wished. I never want to leave.

Oakheart's Promise - A Warriors AUWhere stories live. Discover now