Chapter 8

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Crookedpaw sat in the camp, watching Willowkit as she scampered across the clearing. The she-kit was a silver-gray tabby, and her amber eyes sparkled. Graykit sat nearby, reaching to Willowkit as she arrived beside her.

Recently, while Shellheart was out on patrol, he discovered a dark gray she-kit. Realizing their mother was nowhere to be found, he brought them back to camp. The kit was named Graykit and became friends with Willowkit. They bonded quickly due to their circumstances as the only kits in the Clan at the moment.

Oakpaw approached Crookedpaw, sitting down beside him. "Why are you back so early?" He asked. "I thought you were on the dawn patrol."

Shaking his head, Crookedpaw answered, "Rainflower found me with Shellheart a while after we left. She dragged me back to camp, saying something about how worried she was."

"She needs to realize you can take care of yourself," Oakpaw rolled his eyes. "We're not kits  anymore."

"I know," Crookedpaw sighed, "but what am I meant to do? She's only trying to help. It would be rude to tell her off for loving me."

Tilting his head, Oakpaw inquired, "Are you sure her overprotectiveness is love?"

Crookedpaw paused. Rainflower only wanted the best for him, right? She cares about me. Of course she does! "You're just jealous that Rainflower likes spending time with me," he accused.

"You're lying to yourself," Oakpaw insisted. "I know you hate being held back by her."

He's right, Crookedpaw found himself agreeing. Oakpaw knows me better than Rainflower ever did. The young tom wanted to take his mind off of the topic. "I can fetch a mossball for Willowkit and Graykit while I'm here," he suggested. Oakpaw nodded and stood, wandering off towards the fresh-kill pile.

Crossing the clearing, Crookedpaw found a mossball lying beneath the rock in the center of the camp. He lifted it, holding it awkwardly with his crooked jaw. It almost slipped down onto the ground, but the apprentice managed to bring it to the kits.

"Here you go," Crookedpaw said as he dropped the ball of moss.

"Thank you!" Willowkit reached out a paw, prodding the small object and batting it away. Graykit chased it.

The clearing was peaceful. Not even a breeze stirred the leaves, but the sun wasn't too hot. It was rather cool compared to some of the previous days. Warriors traveled around the camp, following one another towards the river and back. However, something caused the fur on Crookedpaw's back to stand up. Something was wrong.

The light brown tom trembled as he lifted his gaze, examining the sky above the camp. A hawk had its eye on the kits that played in the camp. Crookedpaw edged closer to Willowkit. He reached out a paw, signaling Graypaw to join them.

"What's happening?" Graypaw asked, confused as to why Crookedpaw was bringing them to his side. He glanced up once again. The bird was lower now, its brown feathers ruffling in the wind that was beginning to swirl above the camp. Suddenly, it began to dive, its eyes fixed on the two gray kits beside Crookedpaw.

"Hawk!" Crookedpaw leaped forward, shoving Willowkit and Graykit against the stone in the center of the clearing. He was much larger than the two kits and was able to function as a shield. Now, both kits were sheltered between him and the rock. If the hawk wants the kits, it will have to get through me first.

Crookedpaw unsheathed his claws. With a snarl, he swiped at the incoming hawk. It faltered in its flight, wildly slashing its talons at the tabby. Pain suddenly seared through his hind leg. However, he had no choice but to continue swinging at the bird. As the pain grew stronger, the leg began to buckle beneath him.

A blur of white soared past Crookedpaw. As he braced himself for another attack, none came. He spotted Ottersplash, one of RiverClan's warriors, tackling the hawk before it could strike again. Beetlepaw joined her, clawing at the hawk's eyes. It screeched, recoiling and backing away. With one beat of its huge wings, it took off, lifting away from the ground.

However, the hawk didn't completely leave the camp. Something was holding it. Crookedpaw squinted his eyes, realizing Beetlepaw was dangling from its talons. He clamped on with his jaws, using his claws to grip onto the bird's back. What is he doing?

"Let go!" Ottersplash commanded, the white and ginger she-cat watching Beetlepaw with horror.

"Why should I?" Beetlepaw replied as he freed the bird's leg from his jaws. He still had his claw dug into its back as it thrashed in the air. "It could feed us for moons!" Less than a moment after the black tom finished speaking, the hawk lifted higher. Losing his balance, he slipped away from the fleeing bird. He thudded onto the ground with a grunt, shocked but uninjured.

Crookedpaw's vision blurred. He slumped onto the ground, relieved the hawk was gone. The gash in his hind leg throbbed with pain, but all that mattered to him in that moment was the safety of the Clan's kits. I protected them.

The light brown tom's eyes watered. He blinked, clearing his vision to see Oakpaw approaching him. However, before his brother could speak, Rainflower leaped in front of him.

"Oakpaw!" She snarled, anger glittering in her gaze. "Why would you put your brother in danger like that? Why didn't you defend the kits instead of watching him?"

Oakpaw stuttered. Before he could reply, Rainflower turned to Crookedpaw. "Someone get Brambleberry!" She called as she examined the wound on his leg.

Crookedpaw barely noticed the chaos around him. The pain in his leg receded. I protected my Clan. Rainflower must understand that I can take care of myself now!

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