Chapter 17

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Oakheart yawned, tired from sitting vigil in front of camp the previous night. Now, though he had rested, he was still exhausted. Crookedjaw had also received his warrior name and sat with Oakheart. However, unlike the reddish tom, he was still sleeping peacefully in his nest.

Now, Oakheart sat with Graypaw, talking with the she-cat as Hailstar crossed the clearing. To the new warrior's surprise, the leader approached him. He began, "Shellheart is away, so I've decided to assign some patrols. Have you heard the twolegs yowling all morning?"

"I've been asleep all morning," Oakheart explained, "but I heard them near the end of my vigil."

Hailstar nodded. "I want a patrol to go to the border and see if the twolegs are causing trouble. I'll send you, Crookedjaw, and Cedarpelt. You three work well together."

"Wait!" Rainflower's voice called. She hopped into view, stopping in front of Hailstar. "Can I go as well?"

She just wants to go to be with Crookedjaw. Oakheart listened as Hailstar reluctantly agreed, "Yes. I want you all back before sunset."

"I'll see you later, Oakheart," Graypaw waved her tail as she departed from the tom's side, making her way towards the apprentices' den.

Standing to his paws, Oakheart glanced around camp. He spotted Cedarpelt nearby and raised his voice, "Cedarpelt, Hailstar wants us to go on patrol!"

As Cedarpelt walked to join Oakheart, he peered over his shoulder. Behind him, Rainflower and Crookedjaw were arguing. Crookedjaw complained, "I'm a warrior, and you still treat me like a kit!"

"I only want to make sure you're safe! Listen to me!" Rainflower protested.

"But I don't need you to protect me!" Crookedjaw insisted. His voice cracked. "You'll never leave me alone or let me make my own choices. You're ruining my life! Take your own advice and listen for once!"

Rainflower paused. She twitched, a flash of emotion clouding her gaze for just a moment. Her muscles tensed. She blinked, releasing the tension and staring blankly at Crookedjaw. "I'm still coming with you," she decided, "but I'll think about what you've said."

"That's all I want from you," Crookedjaw stuttered, taking a step back before joining Oakheart and Cedarpelt. Rainflower trailed behind them as they made their way to the entrance of the camp.

Leading the patrol, Oakheart pushed past the reeds and followed a path of flattened grass. Crookedjaw and Cedarpelt were close behind him. Rainflower was further back, glancing over her shoulder as they walked. Willow trees lined the shore of the rushing river, and the sun shone brightly overhead. Its glow was immense, warming Oakheart's pelt. He journeyed ahead of the other warriors, the twolegplace ahead coming into view.

"I don't see any twolegs yet," Oakheart said, hopping over a puddle and wiping mud off of his paws.

"There's one over there!" Cedarpelt warned, hissing quietly. Oakheart ducked behind the grass, hiding out of the tall creature's sight. Crookedjaw and Cedarpelt swiftly did the same, crouching behind nearby shrubs and thin undergrowth. However, as Rainflower tried to hide, she shot up from the ground.

Tripping away from the bushes, Rainflower muttered under her breath, "Stupid thorn." A light trickle of blood dripped down from her paw. She sat down, using her teeth to tug the thorn.

However, as Rainflower was picking at the thorn, Crookedjaw yowled, "Look out!" Oakheart lifted his head to see the twoleg running towards Rainflower. It grabbed the gray she-cat, lifting her off of the ground.

Rainflower didn't give up without a fight. She squirmed, hissing and clawing at the twoleg's paws. However, Oakheart noticed that the twoleg was wearing a strange, thick material over its paws. The covering protected it from the warrior's struggles.

Crookedjaw prodded Oakheart, quickly explaining, "Let's go for its legs and get it to drop her!"

As Oakheart began to creep forward, a voice stopped him. "Leave her! She's caused so much pain and is old anyways! It would be better for your Clan to lose her than risk losing you."

Mapleshade! Oakheart listened to her as she continued. "You are the Clan's future, Oakheart. You must not risk yourself today."

Oakheart hesitated, glancing at Crookedjaw as his brother moved forward without him. "I'm not doing this for Rainflower," he replied under his breath. "I'm doing this for Crookedjaw, and for the Clan!" Bursting out from beneath the thicket, the reddish-brown tom unsheathed his claws. He clawed at the twoleg, yowling and watching Rainflower.

The twoleg recoiled, stumbling back. Without warning, it dropped Rainflower, turning and running in the opposite direction. The gray she-cat thudded onto the ground, soon standing to her paws and shaking the grass off of her pelt.

Oakheart watched Rainflower as she stood, waiting for his mother to speak. However, when she did, she only scolded, "Oakheart, I didn't need you to save me! I was doing just fine on my own!"

The brown tom glanced down, hanging his head. Rainflower hasn't loved me since I was a kit. What made me think she would start now?

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