Chapter 11

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"May all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!" Hailstar's voice rang across the clearing, interrupting Crookedpaw and Oakpaw as they discussed their apprenticeship. They turned, glancing at the rock that the gray tom stood on. Together, they made their way to Rainflower's side. Their mother sat beside Crookedpaw, allowing Oakpaw to settle nearby. Shellheart moved to the center of the clearing, joining Hailstar below the rock.

Once all the cats of RiverClan had gathered, Hailstar began, "It has come to my attention that a part of our territory has been taken by ThunderClan."

He's talking about Sunningrocks! Oakpaw thought excitedly, turning to face Crookedpaw. They both were wondering the same thing. Is he going to take them back?

"Today," Hailstar announced, "we will send warriors to fight ThunderClan! We will win back Sunningrocks!"

Cheers erupted in the clearing. A few cats glanced at each other uneasily, but confidence surged within Oakpaw. I know our Clan will win back the rocks!

As the leader began to explain which cats would be sent to the battle, Oakpaw whispered to his brother, "I hope we're chosen to go."

Before Crookedpaw could respond, Hailstar finished, "Crookedpaw, and lastly, Oakpaw. That is everyone who will be going."

Oakpaw lifted his head, noticing a group of cats gathered near the edge of the camp. Gesturing for Crookedpaw to stand, he quickly made his way to the group. Together, the two sat beside their father, Shellheart. The Clan deputy glanced down at them.

"Your first battle," Shellheart remarked.

Oakpaw chimed in, "We'll make sure it's our first victory."

"Those sound like words a warrior would speak," Shellheart smiled proudly. He then turned to Hailstar, who was still positioned on the boulder. "When should we leave?"

"Now!" Hailstar commanded, his voice full of passion. "Go and challenge the first ThunderClan patrol you meet!"

With that, Shellheart stormed out of the clearing, the rest of the patrol following as he exited the camp. Oakpaw and Crookedpaw tagged along, bursting through the reeds at the entrance of the camp and following close behind. The sun was high, and no clouds blocked the sky. It was likely that a ThunderClan patrol would arrive at Sunningrocks to bask on the large stones. However, they would be met with a battle they couldn't win.

Soon, the group had crossed much of the territory. There was only a small stretch of land left to cover before they would arrive at the river that separated Sunningrocks from the rest of RiverClan territory. Oakpaw remembered hearing stories about RiverClan from long before he was born. The river used to run around Sunningrocks, making the area an island. Because only RiverClan cats could swim, it became part of their territory. Just because it's connected to ThunderClan territory now doesn't mean it belongs to them!

Now, as the patrol approached the river, they dived into the water, wading through the shallow edges. When the sandy floor dipped lower, they swam, scrambling onto the shore of Sunningrocks and crouching behind the shining stones. A ThunderClan patrol would never see them coming.

After what felt like a moon of waiting, Oakpaw heard a voice from the thick forest of ThunderClan's territory. "We're almost there." It was a tom, likely the leader of the patrol. His scent drifted over the rocks, meaning the entire group of RiverClan warriors detected him.

As the ThunderClan patrol emerged from the forest, Shellheart signaled to the warriors of RiverClan, flicking his tail. The warriors crept around the stones, surrounding the group of ThunderClan cats. Their patrol was rather large, with a few cats Oakpaw knew from the gathering. He quickly recognized Bluepaw and Sunfall, the ThunderClan deputy.

"Attack!" Shellheart yowled, leaping across the stones and slamming into a tabby's side. The RiverClan warriors streamed past Oakpaw as he stood stunned. What do I do? He stumbled forward, trying to remember anything Cedarpelt had taught him. However, in the fury of battle, he could only hear one voice clearly. Make them think you're weak!

Mapleshade! The she-cat's voice rang in his ears. Thank you! Leaping forward, Oakpaw approached Bluepaw. She seemed unworried as he neared her. This isn't a gathering. We're enemies now. Oakpaw soared forward, raking his claws across the blue-gray cat's muzzle and darting away.

Bluepaw lifted her head in shock, facing Oakpaw. The reddish apprentice forced his fur to lower, and he let his tail drag across the ground. He stumbled, snarling as if he was an injured cat defending themselves.

But Bluepaw didn't fall for his facade. She charged towards him, ducking away before his claws could hit her. Thrown off balance, Oakpaw stumbled. The ThunderClan apprentice turned, ready to face Oakpaw head-on.

Before Bluepaw had a chance to attack, a brown blur barreled past Oakpaw and pinned her to the stones. Oakpaw stood, smiling at his brother as he held Bluepaw down. However, the young she-cat slipped away, retreating to a white cat's side.

The white apprentice stood confidently with Bluepaw, excitement flashing in her gaze. Oakpaw recalled seeing them together at the gathering. That must be Snowpaw.

Crookedpaw crouched, preparing to tackle the two apprentices. However, a cry rang out over the rocks. "Retreat! We've lost!"

Oakpaw blinked wide-eyed at Shellheart as he leaped into the river. He's injured! Turning his back on Bluepaw and Snowpaw, the reddish-brown tom skittered off of the stones. A growl from behind him forced him to glance back over his shoulder.

"Crookedpaw! It's not worth it!" Oakpaw shouted at his brother who remained still, fur bristling as he stared at the ThunderClan apprentices. "Let's go!"

Reluctantly, Crookedpaw turned around, following Oakpaw into the river. They were both safe, but Shellheart's words didn't leave Oakpaw's ears. We've lost.

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