Chapter 7

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Oakpaw followed Cedarpelt, keeping close to his mentor as they exited camp.

With a smile, Oakpaw remembered his apprentice ceremony the previous day. He and Crookedpaw had received their apprentice names and mentors. Of course, Rainflower insisted that Shellheart mentor Crookedpaw. As for Oakpaw, he was mentored by Cedarpelt, a respected brown tom.

Also, a while before the brothers' apprentice ceremonies, Fallowtail gave birth to a young she-kit named Willowkit. Nobody in the Clan knew who her father was, but it would be seen as disrespectful to ask.

Now, Cedarpelt led Oakpaw away from the RiverClan camp. As they arrived near the edge of the river, the brown tom stopped and explained, "Today I'll teach you the most basic thing a RiverClan cat has to know. How much do you know about catching fish?"

After a moment, Oakpaw began, "It's harder than it looks. Shellheart told me you need to make sure the fish can't see your shadow on the water. You need to stay really still and quiet as to not scare them."

Cedarpelt smiled. "Shellheart must have taught you plenty." Leaning forward, he glanced at the water and then up at the sun. He asked Oakpaw, "Will our shadows be on the water from here?"

"No," Oakpaw answered. "This is a good place to start."

Nodding, Cedarpelt stepped forward, crouching down as he neared the river. Oakpaw did the same, copying his mentor. Then, the brown warrior stared intently at the water as it rippled and flowed by. A small minnow followed its current. Before it had time to escape, Cedarpelt swiped, flinging it onto land with a paw and nudging it away from the river. He put one paw on the fish and lowered his head, finishing with a killing bite.

Turning to face Oakpaw, Cedarpelt instructed, "Now you try."

Oakpaw slowly edged his way towards the water, small fish surging through the torrent beneath him. Positioning himself by the shore, he tucked one paw under his chest and held the other away from himself, prepared to strike. He glanced at his shadow. It was away from the river, casting onto the land behind him.

Taking a deep breath, Oakpaw plunged his paw into the water. As he reached for a fish, however, his paw only hit rushing liquid. He felt his other paw slip beneath him. He quickly lost his balance, his hind paws skittering in an attempt to keep him on land. However, before he had time to react, he had already plunged into the racing river.

I'm glad I know how to swim! Thrashing his front paws, Oakpaw felt his claws scrape against something solid. He gripped on, realizing he was clinging to a slippery stone that barely poked above the surface. His pelt was heavy with water as he dragged himself onto the shore, coughing and sputtering but safe.

"Are you alright?" Cedarpelt asked.

Panting, Oakpaw shook off his pelt. Small droplets flicked onto the grass. "I'm okay," he answered. "Can we keep training now?"

He followed Cedarpelt's gaze as the tom glanced down. Oakpaw realized his paw had a small gash across it. "You should check with Brambleberry," his mentor grunted, "just to make sure it's not going to be infected."

Disappointment hung like a stone in Oakpaw's belly. However, he knew that his health was important if he wanted to be a warrior one day. And it would be nice to see Brambleberry. "Okay," the reddish apprentice agreed, turning and heading towards the camp.

Luckily, Oakpaw's injury didn't hurt much. He made it back to the camp easily. Turning towards one of the dens, he approached the entrance. Slipping inside, he saw a white she-cat with black spots.

"Brambleberry," Oakpaw began, "I've come to see you."

"Do you need anything?" Brambleberry asked as she turned around, herbs in her paws.

Oakpaw glanced down, gesturing towards the small cut on his paw. Brambleberry nodded, approaching to inspect the wound and then walking to the back of the den.

As the medicine cat rummaged through herbs, Oakpaw decided to speak. "Of course I had to get injured on my first day as an apprentice."

"Nobody does everything right on the first try," Brambleberry responded. She chuckled. "On my first day as an apprentice, I almost fell into the gorge collecting herbs."

"Really?" Oakpaw asked, shifting as Brambleberry returned with cobwebs.

The she-cat confirmed, "Yes." She applied the cobwebs to Oakpaw's injury, thoroughly covering it. Then she turned around. She added, "Don't let Rainflower get to you too much."

"What?" Oakpaw tilted his head.

"Don't think I didn't notice. She hasn't been as interested in you since Crookedpaw was injured, has she?" Brambleberry sorted some herbs. "Don't listen to the things she says about you. Just focus on being the best cat you can be."

Oakpaw smiled. "I appreciate that," he thanked, turning to leave the medicine den. As he entered the clearing, he saw Rainflower standing in the center. Ignoring her can't be that hard.

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