Chapter 40

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Following the shore of the river, Oakheart and Crookedstar led the Clan to the gathering. Oakheart was reluctant to see Fourtrees after his meeting with Bluefur. However, he had to endure the pain of returning to the place. After all, he was RiverClan's new deputy.

Beetlenose and Voleclaw were close behind Oakheart. He heard Willowbreeze speaking to Petaldust nearby. Near the back of the group, Mudfur and Brambleberry discussed the locations of herbs and moss.

The moon was rising quickly, and the Clan had to move faster if they wanted to arrive at Fourtrees before midnight. The other Clans would likely already be there, waiting for RiverClan to arrive. So, Oakheart moved faster, leaping into the river near the edge of their territory.

Crookedstar followed after his brother, diving into the cool water and swimming across to the other side. Together, they emerged near the bramble-covered forest of ThunderClan territory. With the rest of RiverClan behind them, they began to weave past the thorns and dodge swaying stalks of bracken. The thickets clawed at their pelts like enemy warriors, but navigating the undergrowth was safer than attempting to cross the gorge or use the twoleg bridge. Oakheart shivered at the thought of a twoleg discovering the whole Clan attempting to cross the bridge.

Now, only a small strip of land was left between them and the hollow Fourtrees was located in. With one final dash forward, Oakheart broke through a wall of branches and stumbled down into the hollow. He landed on the dirty ground with a thud.

"Not so fast, brother," Crookedstar laughed, sliding down the slope and landing gracefully next to Oakheart.

Before Oakheart could retort, a blur tumbled into the depression and slammed into Crookedstar's side. The two cats were knocked to the ground, rolling and getting tangled together.

"Willowbreeze," Crookedstar mumbled jokingly as the she-cat stood to her paws and shook the dust off of her head.

Crookedstar leaned on one leg, using it to help himself stand up. While he was struggling to his paws, Willowbreeze playfully shoved him over. She giggled as he rolled his eyes at her.

"We have a gathering to start!" Angry voices interrupted. Oakheart turned to see warriors of the other Clans underneath the tall oaks, watching the RiverClan cats with annoyance.

A serious expression plastered itself across Crookedstar's face. The tom shook the dirt out of his fur and called, "RiverClan, gather around the Great Rock!"

With that, several RiverClan warriors dropped into the clearing, scrambling out of ThunderClan territory. They gathered under the trees, finding and speaking to their friends from other Clans. Crookedstar stepped forward and assumed his place on the Great Rock. Oakheart followed, resting at the base of the stone with the other deputies. He was relieved to see that Thistleclaw wasn't among them. Tawnyspots is still alive.

Soon, the noisy cats in the clearing began to grow quiet. Silence swept over the clearing, and eyes turned to look at the new RiverClan leader. As the other leaders glanced at Crookedstar, the tabby started, "Hailstar was unfortunately attacked and killed by rogues. He is with StarClan now. I will be RiverClan's new leader."

Oakheart watched as warriors from all Clans bowed their heads in respect for Hailstar. He spotted Willowbreeze, who looked slightly anxious in the clearing. She left her kits with the warriors who stayed behind in the camp. Crookedstar had assured her that the gathering would last less than half the night, but she was still reluctant to leave them in the camp.

"Greenleaf may be coming to an end," Crookedstar continued, "but our Clan is still prospering. Three new kits have been born. Silverkit, Minnowkit, and Willowkit!"

Crookedstar smiled proudly as the warriors in the clearing cheered and spoke to one another. However, most cats already knew that his kits would be born soon. At the previous gathering, the tabby had incessantly bounded around the hollow, announcing his unborn kits to every cat who would listen.

"Finally," Crookedstar yelled, gaining the attention of every cat in the clearing. "I would like to announce my new deputy. This tom has shown he is loyal to RiverClan and will give up his life for our Clan. Oakheart, please step forward!"

Oakheart skittered to his paws, standing as cats of all Clans cheered him on. They praised him, each one shouting louder than the last. The reddish tom was overwhelmed with joy. This is where I belong, serving my Clan! However, through the chaos, he spotted a single she-cat sadly gazing at him.

Bluefur! Oakheart realized. You'll be with me here one day, and our kits will be safe in RiverClan. He gazed back at her, hoping to somehow convey the words he was thinking. I will raise our kits as true warriors, no matter what Clan they feel they belong in!

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