"And pray tell, Trevor. Why exactly is this your dream?" Fred asked him, tilting his head.

            The twin grinned. "Enemies to lovers is my favourite trope."

            We chatted some more, insulting each other in the process, the way friends did to get on each other's nerves.

            Eventually, the bikes were almost out of gas, so we headed back to the camp.

            I could see Lexi sitting at a picnic table with the other girls, chatting and laughing together.

I still hadn't figured out what I could do to get back to her.

Had love made me soft and uninventive?

Usually, Lexi would have been dumped in a tub filled with centipedes by now.

"So, did you plot your revenge while you were away?" my Pumpkin called out when she saw me.

"My revenge plan is of Count of Monte Cristo proportion," I replied, making my way to her.

"So, you're going to wait for at least fourteen years before you enact it?" she said with a satisfied little grin.

I wondered if she had actually read the book, or she just knew about it. There were still so many things I did not know about my girlfriend. Little insignificant details that were crucial to me.

God, I was whipped.

"Yes, and then I will punish you with the things you cherish the most," I answered solemnly.

"So, food?"

Everyone laughed around the table.

I nodded, keeping up with the easy banter and sat down beside her. "Always food."

Lexi made a grimace. "You already murdered my M&Ms. Wasn't that enough?"

"You guys are too cute," Catherine crooned, chuckling.

"I'll have you know there is nothing cute about us right now. Only pure hatred," I told her.

Lexi grabbed my chin in her hand, kind of smooshing my cheeks to my lips, and crooned. "Isn't my boyfriend adorable when he acts like he's mad."

"I shall be taken seriously," I said, but with the way my face was smooshed everyone just laughed at how idiotic I looked.

"Suuuuuuure baby, suuuuuuure," Lexi laughed and kissed my cheek before dropping her hand.

"Ugh. Look what you've reduced me to."

"My obedient little boyfriend?" She patted my cheek, still smiling gleefully. And then her attention went behind me, "Are we eating?"

She had probably spotted the guys carrying the coolers with food around.

"Yes Lex, we're eating," Alex replied, rolling his eyes at her.

"God you're easily distracted," I sighed.

"Food Blake, food," Lexi replied, grabbing the front of my shirt and shaking it a bit.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, yes, I know. Go on. Go where the meat is," I said with a grin, gesturing to where the grill was set up.

She raised an eyebrow cheekily. "Maybe I should stay here then?"

"Maybe," I smirked back.

"EW. Trevor, where is your spray? I NEED YOU HERE RIGHT NOW!" Daphnee yelled, looking at us with comedic disdain.

My girlfriend and I ignored her.

Lexi sandwiched one of my hands between hers. "Sorry for pushing you in the Creek. But like, cold water is super good for cardiovascular health and to get better skin too."

I snorted, taking the hand and kissing her knuckles. "Ah, yes, of course, I am suuuure you had my best interest in mind when you pushed me in the freezing cold water."

"Of course, I did. I'm your loving girlfriend, am I not?"

"How many burgers and hot dogs Lexi?" Alex yelled from the grilled that had been set up now.

"ALL OF THEM!" I yelled for her.

Lexi grinned. "I love how you know me so well."

I laughed again, and got up, pulling her on her feet too, and headed to where her true affection lied. With food.

Happy Monday my little Pumpkins!

Sorry this is late! I lost electricity at my apartment and all my electronic devices ran out of batteries! :') At least it wasn't super cold outside so the fact that I had no heating too didn't make me suffer too much.

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope these chapters with the whole gang amuse you guys.

Technically I think I'm going to be taking a few days off from work so I can rest completely during one and then write during the others. If this actually happens I'll upload Virgin and the Whore and Weird and Weirder!

Alright! I'm going to go make myself something to eat that is warm now that the electricity is back! XD

Love you guys! See you all next week! <3

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