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I decided to call her.

"Annabelle, hi!" I said.

"Hey girl. What's up?"

"I was wondering, if you'd uh, like to go to dinner. Like, now."

"I'd love to! I'll get dressed and pick you up in about an hour."

"Great, see you in a bit!"

I heard Annabelle click and took my phone away from my ear. I heard Bryan stomping down the stairs behind me, I walked up the stairs past him.

"Where are you going?" Bryan asked, stopping me with a grasp on my arm.

"I invited Annabelle to dinner. I'm gonna go get dressed. I'll be back in a bit." I kissed his cheek and continued up the stairs.

"You're kidding me, right?"

I ignored that comment, I walked towards Jake's room and peeked in. He was sound asleep. I gently closed his door and went into my bedroom. I decided I'd go in the shower and curl my hair. Really make an appearance. I laughed.

After my shower, I took the moose and curled my hair. Bryan came into the bathroom. He grabbed my towel from behind and I smiled at him. He took the moose bottle from me and he poured some in his hand. He was trying to help me with the curls. I laughed.

I grabbed my fancy red shirt that I wore my first day back to school. The red one with the lacey ruffles around the buttons. I grabbed black jeans and my boots. I threw on the necklace, ring and bracelet from Bryan. I took my phone from my nightstand, grabbed my purse from my closet door and threw my phone in it.

I headed downstairs and I heard Annabelle pull up. I kissed Bryan on the cheek and saw he was holding Jake. I kissed my little son's forehead and said, "Goodbye." to both of them. I walked out and got in Annabelle's car.

"Finally, we're hanging out!" Annabelle squealed.

"Yep!" I tried to sound excited like her, didn't work out.

"Okay, so I was thinking we could go see a movie, not dinner. Okay?"

"Oh, I wish you would've texted me that... I have to be home soon for Jake. I always put him down, Bryan usually has trouble." I lied.

"Oh, then dinner it is. Movie another time?"

"Absolutely!" I lied, again.

"Okay, where to?"

"Well, I guess we can just go to a pizzeria."

"Sounds great!"

We drove to the nearest pizza place. I began questioning myself if this 'dinner' was worth it. I concluded to myself that it was. Annabelle smiled at the host and he pointed to the very front of the place. I sat down and saw 2 men staring at me at the table next to us... I was sure to flash my engagement ring. They quickly dropped their heads and didn't look at me again. I laughed and Annabelle stared at me. I didn't realize I had laughed out loud. I thought I was laughing in my head. Oh well...

"So, what made you change your mind about this?"

"I figured that we really needed to catch up on things. How are your kids?"

"How would I know? My ex-husband won't let me near 'em."

"I'm sorry..." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. I really did feel bad for her.

"It's fine... My ex and I never did really get along. I think he married me just for children. His new wife can't have any, you know."

"I know now." I giggled.

"Yeah, yeah I guess so." She laughed, kind of uncontrollably.

"Your daughter, Kelsey, is in my science class."

"You're still in school? You just had a baby so naturally, I thought you had graduated?"

"I'm in school, yes. Senior year." I lied.

"Oh, that makes sense!" she laughed.

We finished our pizza and Annabelle paid. She said goodbye to the host and she drove me home. The ride was quite quiet. I didn't enjoy it. I clicked on my phone and texted Bryan that I was on my way home. I didn't get a response, he probably already went to sleep or he was having trouble with Jake. I guess Kelsey hadn't told anyone and didn't plan to. I felt relieved by this and got chills. Annabelle rolled up my window and turned on the heat.

"Oh, I'm fine." I finally spoke.

"Oh, I saw you get chills."

"Why'd you lose custody of them?"

Did I really just ask that? You idiot.

"My ex was addicted to heroin. He left some in my nightstand, when Child Protective Services came, they found it and thought it was mine. I lost custody of my kids and I never got to speak the truth at Divorce Court. Oh, look we're here. Great to see you sweetie, text me in the morning. Good night, Rebecca."

"I'm sorry about what happened. Thanks for tonight. I'll text you soon. Good night, Annabelle."

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