4 - Bubble Tea

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"Shut up."



By last period, I noticed that Malcolm, Andre, and Elias seemed to be receiving lots of attention at our school, not to my surprise. After all, they were new and good-looking, which was enough to pique everyone's interest.

"I heard they've all been in juvie," said the girl sitting in front of me in my last period History class.

"Really? What for?" whispered the girl next to her.

"I don't know, but apparently Elias dug a hole through the ground, and that's how they escaped. They've been on the run ever since, under false identities. That's why they all moved here."

I rolled my dark brown eyes. That was a reach, although it was the most realistic theory I'd heard all day.

"Wow," her friend replied. "Elias is so dreamy. I wonder if he's single. You think he'd go for me?"

"Honestly, I think I'm more his type," the other girl replied.

This time, I couldn't contain my snort. The two girls snapped their heads back at me.

"Got a problem?" said the one on the left, giving me a glare.

"Not at all. Please, continue."

"You're just jealous. A guy like that would never think twice about Crazy Daisy," said the other one.

"Trust me girl, you can have him," I dryly murmured, barely glancing up as I took notes.

They both huffed before turning back around and resuming their conversation.

Pigs would have to fly before I could ever like Elias. He was nothing but a douchebag, and I had met enough of those to last a lifetime.

The bell suddenly rang, signifying the day was over. With a sigh, I grabbed my bag and began to make my way out of school. As I reached the front door, an arm suddenly wrapped around my shoulder.

I gasped and grabbed the arm, immediately jumping into defence mode.

"Relax, it's just me!" Malcolm yelped.

"Don't run up on me like that! I could've hurt you."

"Oh, the horror," he fake gasped, peering down at my 5'2 figure. "Anyways, what's got you on edge?"

"What do you mean?"

"You practically jumped when I put my arm around you," he gave me a sceptical look, as if to say, that's not normal.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. How was I supposed to explain that I'd only been defensive because I was so used to getting bullied?

"Sorry, you just stink so bad. Your armpit gave me a fright," I blurted.

Malcolm sniffed his armpit. "Makes sense."

I snorted. As we reached the crowded school parking lot, we passed by Elias and Andre, who were leaned against a flashy red car.

"Malcolm? Where are you going?" Andre stood up straight, gaping at the pair of us. He even pushed his dreads out of his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly.

"We're going to get bubble tea," he cheerfully answered. "Wanna come?"

"Wha—no! You're fraternizing with the enemy!" Andre seemed bewildered. He looked at Elias for backup, though Elias silently analyzed the two of us, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"You're being dramatic," Malcolm casually chuckled.

"Are you forgetting she snitched on us?" Andre emphasized.

"Old news," Malcolm shrugged.

He began to walk again. I quickly followed after him, barely glancing back at the other two. However, I could feel their eyes trained on my back.

I was stunned by Malcolm's little display of defensiveness over me, though if he noticed my shock, he didn't show it.

"Anyways, bubble tea?" He playfully held his arm out for me.

"Bubble tea." I smiled back before linking our arms. With that, we were off.


School got canceled today because of the snow, meaning I was able to do a double update!! Malcolm is such a sweetheart tbh. What do you guys think about him so far? Can he be trusted, or does he have ulterior motives....

QOTD: how many more days until Christmas?
AOTD: 10 days, I can't wait!

Please leave vote or comment, it's very appreciated!

Love, Emmanuela<3


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