Chapter XIV - The Slayer

Start from the beginning

When I figured he'd keep his mouth shut for more time than I needed, he sat back, his hands behind his head, leaning back on the headboard, his hard abs gleaming in the lamp light. "This has been going on for a few nights," he said, "Vampires aren't even supposed to dream, but I have this bad feeling that what I see when I sleep... isn't a dream at all."

Confused, I picked my legs up off the floor, crossing them on the bed. "What do you mean? You think you're seeing something else?"

He shrugged, "I'm not all too sure at the moment. I haven't dreamed since Demiesius took my life and gave me this one. Darkness is all that we see when we close our eyes... I'm not dreaming."

"Are you worried about this?"

"Greatly, but I really have to keep it to myself. If I tell Demiesius—."

"You said his name."

"Whose name...?"

I wrinkled my brow. "Demiesius. You called for him. You were begging him to help you."

He nodded as if remembering now. "It's strange though. I've had what seems to be the same dream for a few nights, but I can't think of anything that would trigger it. I'm always locked in this room, brick walls surrounding me, chains burning through my skin. The first time I was seeing through someone else's eyes. I stood above a puddle of water and could distinguish a face... but it wasn't mine. Now whenever I dream, someone comes in that large cell, they're insisting they'll kill me... or whoever I'm seeing through. Tonight... they staked me through my hands, burned me with silver dollars, and said something. I couldn't hear them though. Their voice was too muffled with echoes." Dom sighed again, "I don't know what's going on but I want it to stop."

Looking at Dom's face, when he finished speaking, I noticed something odd from his nose. He'd started... bleeding. "Dom?" I said, gestured for him to wipe his nose.

From the bed, he rose with speed and hurried to the bathroom. He flipped on the light and cursed. "You have to leave," he said, grabbing a towel that hung over the shower's glass door. "I'll see you again, but you have to go now."

Not wanting to start an argument, I brought myself up from the bed and kissed Dom as he continued to shield his nose, but if he were trying to hide it, it wasn't working, because another line of crimson blood drained down from his left ear. "I'll try to call you sometime tonight to tell you all about my punishment," I said. "Bye, Dom. Get some sleep."

By the time I made it home it was striking eight in the morning.

The streets were alive with people jogging, driving to work, returning home from dropping kids off at school, and people just enjoying the morning air.

My house was in sight only a few yards off when the front door opened and a face I hadn't seen in almost three years stepped out with a brilliant beam from seeing me.

"Dad?" I nearly lost it, breaking for him in a run across the neighbor's yard.

He was just as tall and brawny as he was when I was fourteen, his black hair shining with the gleam of the sun, gray eyes meeting mine, and his tone arms opened up to cling to me. "Hello, son," he said, squeezing me so hard I thought I'd burst, but I held just as fast. "Been alright lately?"

Not really. "Yeah; I've been great! When did you get back?" I asked, releasing him and I took a step back.

"Last night at around three in the morning. I was going to disturb your sleep, but when I found out you'd gone I just decided to wait."

Wait? "Wait for what?"

"I've come back to ask you something very important." He waved me inside, looking over his shoulder as if someone were trying to listen in. He ushered me to the empty living room, and I took a seat on the armrest of the sofa.

To Kiss a Killer | boyxman | (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now