Chapter IX - The Vampire

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Damn Demiesius for ruining my moment with Raeden. I was this close to...

Never mind, but still his calling worried me to a certain extent. He never called for me when he knew for a fact I had plans. I specifically told him I was going to pick up Raeden at the hospital and have him at my side. But now that that's all been thrown away, might as well go see that the hell it is he wants from me.

Though I was completely unclothed, I had no shame in walking about the halls until I made it to Demiesius' office. My apartment I led Raeden to was in the same building as the Coalition. The immortal workers under Demiesius' power respected me just as they did him, and when one would pass me it wasn't hard to find them staring.

Again... I had no shame.

I opened the door to my father's office and stepped inside, brushing past Trojo as he made his way out, a quick and awkward stare down at my endowed cock.

"Dominick Von Kraige," Demiesius said standing from behind his desk, "Where...on earth are your clothes?"

I closed the door behind me and faced him again. "They're scattered about my room because I was just about to get laid."

Demiesius awed, letting his head fall back. "Well then, would you mind at least taking a seat so I don't have to look at you as I speak?"

With a shrug I sat down and folded my hands behind my head. I leaned back in the chair, not too far to tip myself over, and said, "What is it you must tell me that's important enough to rip me away from a good time?"

Demiesius wondered, "Is it the slayer Raeden you have in your room?"

Cautious but unfazed, I answered promptly, "Yes, as I told you. Why?"

"Just making sure; I'd like to ask him a few questions—."

I cut my maker off, "No; I lied in saying this place was just a regular apartment building... even though it just happens to look like a business. You can't speak with him, not now, not here."

Demiesius sighed with displeasure, "I hope you know I enjoy the fact that I am your creator. If not, we'd have a lot of fighting going on. But since the only thing I have to tell you is as you're father I authorize... and then add what I want, you must go through with my needs. Now, I'll tell you in full this time. As your father, I authorize you Dominick to go back up to the suite, obtain that slayer of yours, and bring him to me. However, once you're there, I'd like to tell you to put some clothes on as well. Having this conversation with you makes me feel like I'm talking to my naked son." He clapped with order, "Go on now."

Bringing myself up from the chair, I glared menacingly toward Demiesius before heading for the door. I marched down the hall with aggravation in my steps until making it to the room.

"Raeden, you're not going to like this," I said moving inside.

"LIKE WHAT!?" Raeden's voice yelled with a slayer's rage.

When I looked for where his voice had come from, he was at the very back of the hall half dressed in his briefs and shirt. In his hands were two things, the broken end of a table that was sharp enough to kill, and Trojo with the stake-like object held directly above his heart.

What the fuck was he doing in my room?

Raeden went on without my explanation, not letting me fit in a word for a second. "Is this what you were planning, you selfish prick? You leave while this fucking fanger comes in to kill me? Am I that big of a threat you have to send someone else to do your dirty work!?" Before I had a chance to answer, he rammed the table's razor-sharp end down on Trojo's chest, the body sizzling with blue radiance until finally falling to ash in Raeden's hands.

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