I Am From

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I am from broken pencils and shattered mirrors, Japanese Cherry Blossom, and Red Door.
I am from the natural flower surrounding the house.

From the Tea leaves and the Roses.
I am from birthday balloons and glasses, from Isaac and Aaphia.
From the lies and barely kept promises.

I am from music of all genres and memories and dreams.
From the most random of things and dancing in fall leaves.

I am from sewing and art, from sprains and scars.

I am from the breeze of autumn and rain drops in spring, the blistering summers and icy winters.

I am from stones in the yard and squirrels in the trees.

I am from pasta and steak, from tomatoes and strawberries.

I am from younger siblings and lonely days, from tales I wrote to stories I share.

I am from emotions and words, from plants and birds.

From fluffy blankets and soft music, from lullabies and dancing.

I am from a “Let me sleep” mum and “You're a freak” classmates, from “They’re still learning” teachers and fighting siblings.

I am from a family both broken and harmonious, from a family of five.

From broken dreams and nightmares we survived.

My Poems~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang