Life and Death

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Life is cruel and unjust
It puts on a new mask
Which is never the same twice over
Life plays favorites
Showing some love, some hatred
Life is selfish
And was never one to share

Life seems innocent
When you first get know her
But as time goes on
The mask of beauty she's wears
Is torn apart and crumbled
Showing her true self to the world

Life is a beast
Hidden by beauty
That knows not to favor
Life hates and judges
Those who are different or strange
She meets with a glare

Now Death appears dirty and disgusting
Unfit for love and care
But it does not judge
It does not stare
For Death is merciful and fair

Death will accept everyone
And release them of pain
Death will seem mean
Unjust and unfair
Put into the shadows of life
But once you come to know it
It will seem so lovely

Death is slow
And will come at it's own pace
Do not force it faster
As it is unfair
Death will reunite you
With the ones you lost
But only when it's time
And not before

Death and Life,
Siblings they may be
Though they are opposites
And do not get along
But without one
You cannot have the other
As it is unfair
To one another

Love them both
But do not be mistaken
The roles they play
Are predetermined
Thy be a judged
On a scale of knowing
For that is all
You have seen
And all they are showing

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