Little Angel - A Lullaby

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Do not cry, little Angel
Do not fret, little Angel
Do not let their words get into your head
You are worth more than they see

Little Angel, fill your heart with kindness
Though it may bring you sorrow
For I know
You are a foundation for a better tomorrow

Little Angel, remember your worth
Do not listen to their words
Let your mind fly
Remember, be kind
Little Angel, I know
You're worth all that I show

Little Angel, little Angel
Though I love you so

You belong to the world
You belong to the earth
And I know, little Angel,
I'll show you what you're worth

Follow your heart
Keep it close
For you will find what matters the most

Oh little Angel
Little gift from above
I know when your time comes
Your wings will shine white like a Dove

Little Angel, little Angel
I love you so
But little Angel, little Angel
Time must go

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