Welcome to Society!

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The girl did speak, speak to dreams, though through the dreams didn't see
In her world everything was perfect and society could do no wrong
Yet in your world you found a lonely sad song

She built her world of pink and purple
She filled it with flowers and dreams
She was such a happy little thing

Yet instead of a girl so full of life
You saw a girl delusional and hopeless
One that won't survive nor thrive

So you broke down the girl
Into dust and dreams
And slowly rebuilt her around society

She lost her hope, lost her dreams
Always weary, never fully happy
Now a doll, is all she seems to be

She plays her part, does what she's told
She's like a doll ten fold
Like a puppet to those both young and old

She's scared of crime, like you and I
Yet she accepts that it'll never get nipped at it's bud
She accepts that it's life, just happy there are those who will fight

Yes there is good, yes there is bad
And everyone wants the good to win
Yet society refuses to nip evil at the bud

Who may be that doll pretty as she
Who may be that doll handsome as he
Well that doll is you and me

They didn't tell us what the world was like
We were young and dumb, and oh so trusting
We were filled with wonder and a light oh so bright

Yet we seemed to dim
Hatred soon became our friend
Oh how could we ever mend

Well I took that hate, that cruel fate
And I made it a basis to fix
And slowly, with the help of friends, I mend

I took these shattered walls, these broken dreams
And turned them into better things
Soon I found an inner peace

Though life may seem hard, and full of despair
Remember someone is always there

I've seen what can happen
I've heard of the sadness and pain
Yet I use that as fuel

To be a hero doesn't mean to have powers
Or overcome everything, not at all
To be a hero, don't just choose not to fall

Society is cruel and will make you feel small
They will grind you into dust and make you a doll
That is how society gets to you

But if we break the chains
Be the change
Maybe for future generations it'll all be better

So who's with me
Will you break the chains
Be the change society needs
Because me, I am free
Free of hate and free of sorrow
Because I know there will be a better tomorrow

My Poems~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora